Page 162 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 162

158                       HEAD  AND  NECK  SURGERIES

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                                          Incision  site

                                          for modified



                                                                                                                                                    Figure  26-3                       The  sternomandibularis  muscle  is

                                                                                                                                                    retracted laterally  exposing  the  insertion  of the ventral

                                                                                                                                                    branch  of the  spinal  accessory  nerve.  In  most  cases, a

                                                                                                                                                    small  amount  of fascia  covers the nerve  and will need

                                                                                                                                                    to be dissected  off to expose  the nerve,

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                         Fi gu re 26-1  Incision  site for modified  Forssell's pro-

                         cedure.  A  30-cm  ventral  midline  incision  starts  2  cm

                         rostral to the  larynx at the basihyoid  bone and extends




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                          Figure  26-2                     Lateral  view  of  neck  illustrating  the                                                Figure  26-4                    The  insertion  of  the  spinal  accessory

                         approximate  insertion site of the  ventral  branch  of the                                                                 nerve  is best identified  by palpation  for a depression  on

                         spinal  accessory  nerve  as it traverses  the  axial surface  of                                                           the  axial border of the  sternomandibularis muscles.

                         the  sternornandibularis  muscles  (dotted  lines)  prior  to

                         entering  the muscle  belly approximately 5  cm caudal to

                         the  musculotendinous junction.

                                                                                                                                                     myectomy  and  a  sternothyroideus  tenectomy

                         nomandibularis  muscle  to  expose  the  nerve.                                                                             are  then  performed  as  described  i11  Chapter  25.

                          Contraction  of  the  sternomandibularis  muscle                                                                           Additionally,  when  performing  myectomy  for

                          and  flexion  of  the  head  are  observed  when  the                                                                      cribbing behavior, a portion  of the  omohyoideus

                          nerve  is pinched  with  hemostats.  A  5- to  10-cm                                                                       is removed  and  the  sternohyoideus  and  omohy-

                          section of nerve is exposed using blunt  dissection                                                                        oideus are ideally transected  rostral to the ventral

                          and  removed  (Figure  26-5).  A  sternohyoideus                                                                           aspect of the larynx.
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