Page 34 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 34


                                                                                                               Field Anesthesia

                                                                                                                  Keith R.  Branson

                       Equine field surgery  requires portable  anesthesia.                                                                        antiemetic and antihistaminic  effects. The  central

                       This  factor  makes  it  difficult  to  use  inhalation                                                                     sedation  seen with the phenothiazine  tranquiliz-

                       anesthesia. Fortunately; most  of the  patients  un-                                                                        ers is due to their antagonism  of dopamine at cen-

                       dergoing  surgical  procedures  in the field are rela-                                                                      trally located receptors.  In general,  increasing  the

                       tively  healthy  and  require  minimal  supportive                                                                          dose  above  that  needed  for  sedation  will  only

                       care while under anesthesia. Adequate,  safe anes-                                                                          result  in an increase in duration of tranquilization

                       thesia  is  still  required,  however,  because  regard-                                                                    and  increased  undesirable  side  effects.1  Further

                       less  of your  surgical  skills, a  successful  outcome                                                                     increases  in dose may even result i11 excitement,

                       also  requires  successful  anesthesia.  This  chapter                                                                            Acepromazine  produces  a  decrease  i11  arterial

                       includes  a discussion  of the physiologic  effects of                                                                     blood pressure  caused by a peripheral a1-adreno-

                       the  drugs  commonly  used for  injectable  anesthe-                                                                        receptor  antagonism.'  Because  of this  a1  antago-

                       sia, how  these  drugs  are  used, and  a brief discus-                                                                     nism,  a  mixed  adrenoreceptor  agonist,  such  as

                       sion  of supportive  care measures  and  induction                                                                          epinephrine,  can  have a more  dramatic hypoten-

                       methods.  In addition,  a brief  discussion  of caudal                                                                      sive effect  since  its  vasodilatory  ~  effects will be

                       epidural  anesthesia  and  epidural  catheter  place-                                                                       more  pronounced.  In addition,  acepromazine  has

                       ment is included.                                                                                                           an antiarrhythmic effect 011 the heart, most likely

                                                                                                                                                   from  a11  rz-adrenoreceptor  antagonism  i11  the

                                                                                                                                                   heart.?"  Minimal  respiratory  depression/  other

                       TRANQUILIZERS  AND exi-AGONISTS                                                                                             than  a  slight  decrease  in  the  respiratory  rate,  is

                                                                                                                                                   associated with the use of acepromazine alone, and

                       None  of the injectable general anesthetics  possess                                                                        it does decrease the animal's  ability to thermoregu-

                       all the  properties  needed  to  produce good  anes-                                                                        late. s-r Early reports  of priapism  and  flaccid penile

                       thesia  when  used  alone.  For  that  reason  other                                                                        paralysis  in  stallions  and  geldings  given  acepro-

                       drugs  are  administered  in  conjunction  with  the                                                                        mazine have led to hesitance to use this drug in stal-

                       general  anesthetics.  Tranquilizers  and  a2-agonists                                                                      lions  and  geldings.i"  Some  practitioners  think

                       are  commonly used  for  their sedative,  analgesic,                                                                       that acepromazine is still a useful  sedative for  use

                       and muscle  relaxant properties.                                                                                           iI1 male horses, and  if used, it should  be  adminis-

                                                                                                                                                   tered intramuscularly  (IM)  and at the lowest effec-

                                                                                                                                                  tive dose.11  There is  a dose-dependent  decrease in
                                                                                                                                                  the hematocrit attributed to  sequestration  of ery-

                       Acepromazine  is the most commonly used rnem-                                                                              throcytes in the splee11.10•12 Acepromazine  is highly

                       ber of the phenothiazine  family  of tranquilizers.                                                                        protein bound  and  has  an elimination half-life of

                       Members  of  this  group  of  drugs  are  known                                                                            longer than 3 hours.'? It undergoes hepatic metabo-

                       for  their  sedative  effects,  but  they  also  possess                                                                   lism to form  inactive metabolites.

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