Page 37 - Manual of Equine Field Surgery
P. 37

Field  Anesthesia                                  33

                         phine  in  painful  horses,  minimal  behavioral  ef-                                                                      analgesic effect.                 48-51    Some evidence  exists that sub-

                         fects were  seen."  Kappa  agonists  such  as butor-                                                                       anesthetic  doses  produce  minimal  analgesia.Y?'

                         phanol  also  produce  some  excitement  but  the                                                                          The  cardiovascular  effects  of ketamine  must  be

                         effect is  somewhat  less than that seen  when  mu                                                                         separated  into  its  indirect  central  effect  and  its

                         agonists  such  as morphine  are  administered.                                                        41'42               direct  peripheral  effect.  The  central effect  is  an

                         Butorphanol  has been  administered  as a continu-                                                                         overall  increase  in  sympathetic  tone  resulting  in

                         ous  infusion  to  maintain  analgesia  at  a  loading                                                                     mild  increases  in  heart rate,  arterial  blood pres-

                         dose  of  0.018 mg/kg  IV  and  then  a  continuous                                                                        sure, and cardiac  output. It does, however, have a

                         infusion  at  0.0237 mg/kg/hr.43  Another  opioid                                                                           mild  direct  depressant  effect on  myocardial  con-

                         that has seen limited  use in horses,  but has many                                                                        tractility.         46•55     Little  respiratory  depression  is  seen

                         desirable  characteristics,  is buprenorphine. When                                                                         at clinical  doses although  a slight  increase  in  res-

                         combined  with  detomidine,  buprenorphine  has                                                                             piratory  rate  and  decrease  in  tidal  volume  are

                         provided  good  analgesia  and  sedation  for  stand-                                                                       sometimes  observed. Ketamine  produces  minimal

                         ing  procedures.44  Transdermal  delivery  systems                                                                          muscle  relaxation.  Because  of  its  poor  muscle

                         have  provided  an  additional  route  of  admin-                                                                           relaxant  effects and  tonic-clonic  limb  spasms,  it is

                         istration  for  opioids.  Fentanyl  is  commonly                                                                            not used  alone  in veterinary  anesthesia.

                         administered  in  this  manner  (Duragesic;  Janssen

                         Pharmaceutical  Products)  to  a variety  of species.                                                                       Tiletamine

                         This delivery route has been studied  in horses, and

                         it  was  determined  that  two  10- mg  ( 100  ug/hr)                                                                       Telazol is a proprietary  mixture  with  equal  con-

                         patches  provided  plasma  levels  of  fentanyl  that                                                                       centrations  of zolazepam,  a benzodiazepam,  and

                         should  provide  analgesia.  Eight  to  15  hours  was                                                                      tiletamine,  a  dissociative  anesthetic,  It  is distrib-

                          required  to  reach peak  plasma  levels and  patches                                                                      uted  as a dry powder  that is reconstituted prior to

                          needed  to  be  replaced  at  48-hour  intervals  to                                                                       use.  Tiletamine  is  somewhat  more  potent  than

                          maintain  the desired  plasma  concentrations.45  No                                                                       ketamine  and  has  a  slightly  longer  duration  of

                          significant  undesirable  effects were  noted in  this                                                                     action.  Its  cardiovascular,  respiratory,  and  anes-

                          study.                                                                                                                     thetic  effects  are  similar  to  those  of ketamine.                                                     56

                                                                                                                                                     Even though Telazol contains  a tranquilizer  as well

                                                                                                                                                     as  a  dissociative  anesthetic,  it  is  not  commonly

                          INJECTABLE ANESTHETICS                                                                                                     used  alone  in equine  anesthesia.

                          None  of the available injectable  general  anesthet-                                                                      Thiopental

                          ics provide  all of the actions  of an ideal anesthetic.

                          Therefore,  when  used  clinically  they  are  almost                                                                      Thiopental  is  an  ultra-short-acting  thiobarbitu-

                          always combined  with  other drugs.                                                                                         rate.  It  produces  rapid  unconsciousness  after

                                                                                                                                                      intravenous  injection.  Recovery  is  a  result  of

                                                                                                                                                      redistribution of the drug  from  the brain to  other
                                                                                                                                                      tissues  in the body. Initially, the  drug  is redistrib-

                          Ketamine  is  a  dissociative  anesthetic.  Patients                                                                        uted  to  muscle  and  other  nonfatty tissues  with

                          receiving  ketamine  appear  to  be  in  a  cataleptic                                                                      moderate  blood flow.  The  ultimate  site  of redis-

                          state  while  still  maintaining  many  reflexes.  The                                                                      tribution is poorly perfused  adipose  tissue but, at

                          higher  centers,  the cerebral  cortex,  are dissociated                                                                    the time  of recovery  from  anesthesia,  the  major-

                          from  somatic  input.  The  site  of  action  of keta-                                                                      ity  of  the  drug  resides  in  moderately  · perfused

                          mine  is  centrally  located  N-methyl-D-aspartate                                                                          tissues.  Ultimately,  it undergoes  hepatic  metabo-

                           (NMDA)  receptors.  In  addition,  some  of  the                                                                           lism.  If thiopental  is administered  for  prolonged

                           analgesia  produced  by  ketamine  may  be  due  to                                                                        periods  and  then  discontinued,  the  primary

                           interaction  with  opioid  receptors.46  Ketamine                                                                          factors  associated  with  the  termination  of anes-

                           undergoes  hepatic  metabolism  with  urinary  ex-                                                                         thesia  are both redistribution into  fat and hepatic

                           cretion  of the metabolites.  Some  of the  metabo-                                                                        metabolism.  These  are slower than redistribution

                           lites have  pharmacologic  activity.47  The  analgesic                                                                     into  moderately  perfused  tissues.  The  site  of

                           properties  of ketamine  are  somewhat  controver-                                                                         action  for  barbiturates  has  been  shown  to  be

                           sial;  however,  many  studies  show  a  significant                                                                       on  the  GABA  receptor.46  Barbiturates  enhance
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