Page 136 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 136

118  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   5.25  Glial cells of the central nervous system (schematic). The portions of the cell represented in the diagram as
                   continuous lines can typically be demonstrated using silver staining methods. Subsequent branching of the cell
                   processes can occasionally be shown with histological stains or with the aid of ultrastructural reconstructions.

                   Perivascular oligodendrocytes  are numerous and are  rophages, pericytes surrounding the walls of blood vessels
                   prominent around the blood vessels of the cerebral cor-  or from the connective tissue of the meninges. In view of
                   tex. Interfascicular oligodendrocytes are by far the most  their mesodermal origin, they have also been referred to
                   common cell type in the white matter. Their processes run  historically as mesoglia (Figures 5.24 and 5.25).
                   parallel to the nerve fibres, giving off branches that par-
                   tially or completely surround the axon.        Glial cells of the peripheral nervous system
                      Based on their size and the length, arrangement and
                   complexity of their processes, oligodendrocytes are subdi-  Schwann cell (neurolemmocyte)
                   vided into four types (Hortega types I–IV).    Schwann cells form the myelin sheath surrounding axons
                      Oligodendrocytes have several functions. Interfascicular  of peripheral nerves. After coming to lie along an axon,
                   oligodendrocytes are responsible for the formation and  the plasmalemma of the Schwann cell wraps around the
                   maintenance of the myelin sheath of CNS nerve fibres,  axon and differentiates into the myelin sheath. Schwann
                   in which saltatory nerve conduction is an essential  cells surround peripheral axons over a distance of approxi-
                   requirement. Oligodendrocytes also interact functionally  mately 1 mm. The ends of consecutive Schwann cells are
                   with neurons and are a key component of iron metabo-  denoted by the node of Ranvier, where the myelin sheath
                   lism in the CNS, requiring iron for synthesis of myelin.  is interrupted. The cytoplasm of the Schwann cell forms
                   Oligodendrocytes inhibit the development of neurites.  the sheath of Schwann, the outer surface of which is com-
                                                                  prised of basal lamina.
                   Microglia (Hortega cells)
                   Microglia, also named Hortega cells after the neurophysi-  Satellite cell (amphicyte, gliocytus ganglii)
                   ologist Pio Del Rio Hortega (1882–1945), are small, usually  Satellite cells surround the perikaryon of nerve cells in
                   stellate glial cells, frequently located near blood vessels.   ganglia (autonomic, spinal, cranial nerves). They have
                   They have an elongated nucleus and short, often bizarrely  dense, typically flattened nuclei. A basal lamina separates
                   formed, processes. Microglia are found in both the grey  them from surrounding connective tissue. Satellite cells
                   and white matter. They frequently contain phagocytosed   are functionally associated with capillaries and support the
                   material originating from degenerating neurons. Their  metabolic requirements of the ganglion cells.
                   cytoplasm contains phagosomes.
                      The phagocytic capacity of microglia reflects their
                   differentiation from migrating blood monocytes, mac-

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