Page 141 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 141

Circulatory system (systema cardiovasculare et Iymphovasculare)   123

                  6.6  Arteriole in greater omentum (dog). Goldner’s Masson trichrome stain (x1200).

                  6.7  Small artery, venule and capillary in the skin (dog). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x250).

                                                                 The tunica intima constitutes the inner portion of the
                         − membrana elastica interna (internal elastic
                        membrane);                               vessel  wall (Figure 6.8). It  consists  of  a  single-layered
                   ·  tunica media and                           endothelium and a continuous basal lamina, a subendothe-
                   ·  tunica adventitia (externa).               lial layer composed of connective tissue and an internal
                                                                 elastic membrane.

                  6.8  Structure of an artery (schematic).

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