Page 145 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 145

Circulatory system (systema cardiovasculare et Iymphovasculare)   127

                                                                                Tunica intima (interna)                                                              Subendothelial layer
                                                                                Endothelial cell nucleus
                                                                                Internal elastic membrane

                                                                                Tunica media
                                                                                Nucleus of smooth muscle cell
                                                                                Tunica adventitia (externa)

                  6.14  Muscular artery (pig). The endothelium is underlain by a thin subendothelial layer. The meandering inter-
                  nal elastic membrane is clearly demarcated. In the tunica media, the smooth muscle cells are arranged in a
                  predominantly circular fashion with some obliquely running fibres. The large number of elastic fibres clearly
                  distinguishes the connective tissue of the outer tunica adventitia. Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x480).

                                                                                Collagen fibres in connective tissue
                                                                                Nucleus of endothelial cell
                                                                                Nucleus of pericyte

                  6.15  Postcapillary venule in the tongue (horse). The endothelium is surrounded by occasional pericytes and
                  isolated smooth muscle cells. Expanded postcapillary venules can serve as a blood reservoir. Goldner’s Masson
                  trichrome stain (x200).

                  elastic membrane is usually lacking. The tunica media con-  The structure of veins is adapted to these roles (Figures
                  sists of one to three layers of smooth muscle cells. These  6.15 to 6.18 and Table 6.1). A key characteristic is the dis-
                  join with endothelial cell processes to form a myoendothe-  tensibility of the vessel wall, which is 200 times greater
                  lial complex. Arterioles play a significant role in regulating  than that of arteries. Muscle tissue is poorly developed,
                  peripheral blood pressure and, together with the precapil-  while the tunica adventitia is distinctive and relatively thick
                  lary sphincters, modify the flow of blood in capillary beds.  (particularly in large veins).
                                                                    The continuous endothelium is adjoined externally by
                  Veins (vena)                                   a thin subendothelial layer supported by loose bundles of
                  The low-pressure component of the circulatory system  elastic and collagen fibres. Longitudinally oriented smooth
                  begins at the venous side of the capillary bed and extends  muscle cells may be present. In place of a distinct internal
                  to the right atrium of the heart. Its functions include:  elastic membrane, there is a thin network of elastic fibres
                                                                 (rete elastica).
                   ·  active metabolism (postcapillary venules),    Compared with corresponding arteries the  tunica
                   ·  storage of blood and                       media is thin, containing mainly fibres of collagen and
                   ·  conduction of blood from the periphery to the heart.  elastin. The collagen fibres are arranged in a lattice while

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