Page 144 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 144

126  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                                                                  distinguished in histological sections by its undulating
                     ·  elastic arteries (arteria elastotypica) and   ·  muscular arteries (arteria myotypica).    appearance (artefactual contraction). The endothelium
                                                                  is connected by endothelial cell processes to the smooth

                   ELASTIC ARTERIES (ARTERIA ELASTOTYPICA)        muscle cells of the tunica media, which may also contrib-
                                                                  ute to re-epithelialisation of the vessel wall.
                   Arteries of the elastic type are located close to the heart   Characteristic of muscular arteries are the well-devel-
                   and are characterised by a thick tunica media consisting  oped, primarily circular or slightly spiralling smooth
                   predominantly of concentric fenestrated lamellae of elas-  muscle cells (3–30 layers) in the tunica media. Individual
                   tic fibres (e.g. aorta, pulmonary artery) (Figure 6.13). The  muscle cells are connected by gap junctions and are sur-
                   wide spaces evident between the lamellae contain delicate  rounded by delicate bundles of collagen fibres, relatively
                   elastic fibre networks.                        few elastic fibres and proteoglycans. An indistinct outer
                      The continuous endothelium is underlaid by a sub-  layer of elastic fibres is also present.
                   endothelial layer containing collagen fibres. An internal   The  tunica  adventitia  contains collagen fibres and
                   elastic membrane lies adjacent to the elastic layers of the  numerous, densely packed elastic fibres. The predomi-
                   tunica media.                                  nantly longitudinally oriented elastic fibres form an
                      The elastic fibre bundles are connected to individual  external elastic membrane adjacent to the tunica media.
                   smooth muscle cells, forming a muscular-elastic system.  The tunica adventitia allows movement of the artery with
                   During systole, the numerous elastic lamellae become  respect to surrounding tissues. It is traversed by autonomic
                   distended. In the subsequent diastole, recoil of the arterial  nerve fibres and smaller blood vessels that supply the arte-
                   wall results in smooth and uninterrupted onward transport  rial wall (vasa vasorum).
                   of blood (Windkessel effect).                     Most small to medium-sized arteries are muscular in
                      The proportion of smooth muscle cells in elastic arter-  type. The muscle layer maintains the pressure within the
                   ies is much lower than in muscular arteries. As well as  vessel and regulates the pulse wave in the high-pressure
                   contributing to the muscular–elastic system, the contrac-  arterial system.
                   tile smooth muscle cells synthesise elastin, type I and III   In certain specialised arteries, contractile cells embedded
                   collagen and proteoglycans.                    in the subendothelial layer can cause temporary constriction
                      The outermost layer of elastic arteries, the  tunica  of the vessel, thus regulating blood flow through the tissue
                   adventitia, is rich in collagen fibres that aid in preventing  (referred to by some authors as ‘barrier arteries’ or ‘polster
                   excessive stretching of the vessel wall.       arteries’, see below). Such vessels are found in association
                                                                  with the bronchi and in the subcutis and penis.
                   Muscular arteries exhibit the typical three-layered arterial  Arterioles (arteriolae)
                   structure (Figures 6.8 to 6.11 and 6.14).      Arterioles are the smallest vessels (<100 μm) of the high-
                      The outermost layer of the tunica intima, the inter-  pressure system. Their flattened, continuous endothelium is
                   nal  elastic  membrane, is well developed and easily  surrounded by a thin subendothelial layer. A distinct internal

                   6.13  Elastic artery stained for elastic material (calf). Resorcin-fuchsin stain, nuclear-fast red (x300).

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