Page 151 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 151

Circulatory system (systema cardiovasculare et Iymphovasculare)   133

                     Following erection, the lymph heart pumps lymph  the naked eye and can be considered as a modified and  from the phallus and directs it to the venous system. As  smaller version of the avian lymph node. They occur
                  a secondary function, the lymph heart contributes to the  as both internal variants within the intima (interna) of
                  regulation of blood pressure in the vertebral sinus durae  the lymphatic vessel (formatio lymphoreticularis muralis
                  matris and in the renal portal system.         interna), and as external variants in the thickened adven-
                                                                 titia (formatio lymphoreticularis muralis externa). Lymph
                  Lymphoreticular formations of birds            sinuses, originating from the lymphatic vessel, are only
                  The term formationes lymphoreticulares parenchymato-  found in external formations (Figure 6.25).
                  sae describes diffuse, poorly demarcated lymphoreticular   Lymphoreticular cords within mural formations con-
                  formations that may or may not have germinal centres.  tain areas of T and B lymphocytes as well as postcapillary
                  These occur mainly in parenchymatous organs such as  venules for lymphocyte recirculation. Mural formations
                  endocrine glands, the liver and spleen.        are stimulated by the presence of antigens within their
                     Mural lymphoreticular formations are spindle-shaped  drainage area, potentially becoming so enlarged that they
                  thickenings of the walls of lymph vessels (Figures 6.25 and  are distinguishable from lymph nodes only by the presence
                  6.26). They occur in all larger lymph vessels in the chicken  of the media in the lymph vessel wall. Collectively, mural
                  and have yet to be found lacking in bird species studied to  formations have considerable immune potential and fulfil
                  date. Mural lymphoreticular formations are just visible to  the role of lymph nodes.

                               Formatio lymphoreticularis muralis externa

                                      Sinus lymphaticus intramuralis
                  6.25  Wall of the initial segment of an avian lymphatic   6.26  Wall of the terminal segment of an avian lym-
                  collector vessel (vas lymphaticum myotypicum) with   phatic collector vessel (vas lymphaticum myotypicum)
                  external lymphoreticular formations (schematic; left –   with internal mural reticular formations (schematic;
                  longitudinal section, right – transverse section).  left – longitudinal section, right – transverse section).

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