Page 153 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 153

Blood and haemopoiesis (sanguis et haemocytopoesis)   135

                  7.1  Fine structure of a reticular cell in the bone marrow, surrounded by unipotent haemopoietic progenitor
                  cells (dog; x4000).

                  7.2  Erythropoiesis (schematic).

                  stimulates development of erythrocyte precursors in the  Blood cell differentiation
                  bone marrow (erythroid colony-forming unit = CFU-E).  Red bone marrow contains blood cells in wide-ranging stages
                     Cytokines that have a negative regulatory effect on hae-  of development. These may be arranged in clusters around
                  mopoiesis include interferons and tumour necrosis factor.  central progenitor cells (e.g. erythroblastic nests) or may lie
                                                                 adjacent to the wall of a sinusoid (e.g. megakaryocyte).
                  Bone marrow
                  Blood cells are produced by red bone marrow, which  Haemopoietic stem cells
                  occupies the spaces between the spongy bone of the  All blood cells are derived from an  undifferentiated,
                  vertebral bodies, ribs, sternum, ilium and the proximal  pluripotent stem cell, the haemopoietic stem cell (hae-
                  ends of the large long bones. In addition to the cellular  mocytoblast). These cells form only around 0.01% of the
                  components of haemopoiesis, the bone marrow contains  cell population of the bone marrow. They can enter the
                  reticular fibres (type III collagen), fibroblast-like reticular  blood circulation via the trans-endothelial route. Most hae-
                  cells, adipocytes, macrophages and numerous, predomi-  mopoietic stem cells exist in a quiescent state (G ). Only an
                  nantly expanded, sinusoids (Figure 7.1).       extremely small proportion undergoes division, according
                     The aforementioned growth factors and cytokines are  to demand. The daughter cell enters the pathway towards
                  produced by the endothelium of the sinusoidal capillaries,  differentiation, while the other remains a stem cell. Stem
                  fibroblast-like cells and macrophages. The reticular matrix  cells are small, inconspicuous, dense round cells (ca. 12
                  binds glycosaminoglycans and adhesion molecules, which  μm) with a narrow rim of basophilic cytoplasm.
                  also contribute to blood cell development. The wall of the
                  sinusoidal capillaries is thin and lacks a continuous basal  Progenitor cells
                  lamina. Blood cells from the reticular compartment enter  After undergoing division, haemopoietic stem cells develop
                  the capillaries through transient migration pores.  and differentiate into progenitors of the cells of the

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