Page 178 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 178

160  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                      Lymphocytes leave the lymph node by the lympho-  pedunculated bursa is integrated into the dorsal wall of  vascular  route, after passing through inter-endothelial  the proctodeum. The bursa is subdivided by longitudinal
                   openings in the lymph sinus, and by the haemovascular  primary folds bearing secondary and tertiary folds. This
                                                                  gives rise to distinct lymphatic lobules, each consisting
                   route, via postcapillary venules.
                                                                  of a central pars lymphoepithelialis and a peripheral pars
                   Cloacal bursa (bursa cloacalis, bursa Fabricii)  lymphoreticularis (in ratites this arrangement is reversed)
                   The cloacal bursa is the site of B-lymphocyte maturation  (Figures 8.17 and 8.18).
                   in birds.
                      Once mature, the B cells, which originated from the  Spleen
                   bone marrow, are responsible for the humoral immune  While the structure of the avian spleen does not differ sig-
                   response. The cloacal bursa is specific to the class Aves.  nificantly from that of mammals, the boundary between
                      In most avian species the cloacal bursa is a pedunculated  the red and white pulp is less distinct (Figures 8.19 and
                   dorsal appendage of the proctodeum. In ratites, the non-  8.20).

                    8.17  Cloacal bursa (chicken). The lobulation produced   8.18  Cloacal bursa with individual lymphatic lob-
                    by primary, secondary and tertiary folds is evident.   ules comprising a central pars lymphoepithelialis
                    Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x20).           and  a  peripheral  pars  lymphoreticularis  (chicken).
                                                                  Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x80).

                   8.19  White pulp with central arteries and adjacent red   8.20  Splenic follicle with indistinct transition to red
                   pulp (chicken). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x120).  pulp (chicken). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x240).

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