Page 225 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 225

Digestive system (apparatus digestorius)   207

                  olism, by the mucosa of the forestomach, particularly the  The internal surface of the forestomach is lined by non-  rumen, and transferred to the bloodstream. In the oma-  glandular mucosa  (pars non-glandularis)  (Figures
                  sum, the gruel-like ingesta are mechanically compressed  10.39 to 10.42 and Table 10.3). The papillated stratified
                  and water is absorbed. The forestomach constitutes the  squamous epithelium is keratinised depending on the
                  non-glandular portion of the multi-chambered ruminant  functional demands on the mucosa. In the tela submu-
                  stomach. Enzymatic digestion of the liquid portion of the  cosa, branching blood vessels give off arterioles that lead
                  ingesta occurs in the glandular abomasum. The mucosa  to subepithelial capillary networks, which drain into post-
                  of the abomasum represents the glandular portion of  capillary venules. Veins merge in the tela submucosa and
                  the ruminant stomach. The forestomach consists of three  course through the muscle layer towards the exterior.
                  compartments:                                  As is typical for the musculomembranous gastrointes-
                                                                 tinal tract, lymphatic vessels and autonomic intramural
                   ·  reticulum,                                 ganglia are present in the tela submucosa. External to
                   ·  rumen and                                  the tela submucosa is a tunica muscularis and a tunica
                   ·  omasum.                                    serosa.

                  10.39  Horizontal section of reticular crests (goat). Numerous small papillae are present on the crests that form
                  the pentagonal reticular cell. A continuous lamina muscularis envelops each cell and combines with smooth
                  muscle surrounding adjacent cells to form a network. Goldner’s Masson trichrome stain (x20).

                                                                            10.40  Wall of ventral sac of the rumen
                                                                            (sheep). Characteristic ruminal papillae
                                                                            are evident. These are frequently
                                                                            sectioned in such a way that they
                                                                            appear to have no contact with the
                                                                            mucosa. Haematoxylin and eosin stain

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