Page 229 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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Digestive system (apparatus digestorius)   211

                  GLANDULAR STOMACH (PROVENTRICULUS, PARS           The loose connective tissue of the tela submucosa  The proventriculus continues from the oesophagus with-  contains the submucosal nerve plexus (plexus nervorum
                                                                 submucosus; Meissner plexus) and numerous vessels. In
                  out a clear anatomical boundary. In most species, the  the tunica muscularis, a well-developed inner circular
                  mucosa is arranged in folds (Figures 10.44 and 10.45 and  layer (stratum circulare) is surrounded by a thinner outer
                  Table 10.4). The mucosal surface is lined by mucus-secret-  longitudinal layer (stratum longitudinale). The myenteric
                  ing simple columnar epithelium with microvilli. Tubular  nerve plexus (plexus nervorum myentericus; Auerbach
                  glands situated in the lamina propria deliver their mucous  plexus) lies between the two muscular layers. Externally,
                  secretory product onto the mucosal surface (Figures 10.44  the proventriculus is lined by a single-layered tunica serosa
                  and 10.45). These comprise:                    that is continuous with the intestinal peritoneal sac.
                                                                    The proventriculus is typically separated from the
                   ·  superficial proventricular glands (glandulae proven-  ventriculus by a narrow gastric isthmus (isthmus gastris).
                      triculares superficiales) and              This transitional zone (zona intermedia) is usually free of
                   ·  deep proventricular glands (glandulae proventricu-  mucosal elevations and folds and is devoid of glands. In
                      lares profundae).                          the chicken, the narrowing at the isthmus is attributable to
                                                                 a high concentration of elastic fibres and a relatively thin
                  The superficial proventricular glands are simple tubu-  muscular layer.
                  lar mucus-producing glands that open into folds in the
                  mucosa.  The  prominent  layer  of  deep  proventricular   MUSCULAR STOMACH (VENTRICULUS, PARS
                  glands, or ‘deep proprial glands’, is bounded by a lamina   MUSCULARIS)
                  muscularis mucosae. Portions of this muscle layer cleave  Tunica mucosa: The gastric mucosa is irregularly subdi-
                  off and extend towards the surface, largely surrounding  vided by folds (rugae ventriculi). These are absent near
                  the deep glands and protruding between the deep and  the tendinous centres (see below).
                  more superficially located glands. While proventricular   The luminal surface of the ventriculus is covered by a
                  glands are usually not lobed, distinct lobulation occurs  tough, greenish-yellow layer known as the cuticle (cuticula
                  in chickens and geese. The openings of these glands are  gastris) that acts akin to a grinding plate for the breakdown
                  located on mucosal elevations (papillae proventriculares).  of food (Figures 10.46 and 10.47). The cuticle consists of
                     The cuboidal epithelium of the proventricular glands  solidified secretions of clusters of tubular glands in the
                  secretes pepsinogen and HCl (oxynticopeptic cells). These  lamina propria (glandulae ventriculares). Secretory prod-
                  cells contain numerous mitochondria and rough ER.  uct is released onto the mucosal surface as compacted
                  Additional cell types produce gastric hormones (e.g. soma-  cylinders, or columnae verticales, that harden to form
                  tostatin, bombesin and vasoactive intestinal peptide).  rods. This solidified secretion combines with the matrix

                  10.44  Mucosa of glandular stomach (chicken). Azan   10.45  Mucosa of glandular stomach (chicken). Azan
                  stain (x20).                                   stain (x40).

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