Page 293 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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Urinary system (organa urinaria)   275

                  vesicles (crusta). The lamina propria consists of a connec-  The  mucosa  is lined by  transitional epithelium,  tive tissue lattice containing delicate elastic fibres. Together  becoming pseudostratified towards the external urethral
                  with the submucosa, the lamina propria forms a mobile,  orifice. Isolated areas of cuboidal or columnar cells may be
                  displaceable layer that facilitates the alternate folding and  observed. The epithelial cells may contain mucus.
                  stretching of the bladder wall. The lamina propria and
                  submucosa are typically separated by a lamina muscula-  Species variation
                  ris mucosae. Bundles of elastic fibres provide mechanical   Pig and horse: The epithelium contains goblet cells.
                  reinforcement at the neck of the bladder. Lymphoid folli-  Sheep and horse: Near the external urethral orifice, the
                  cles may be present in the lamina propria. A dense network   epithelium changes to stratified squamous.
                  of capillaries, concentrated in the subepithelial region, is
                  particularly extensive in ruminants.              The epithelium rests upon a dense connective tissue
                     The tunica muscularis consists of relatively thick layers  layer. This is extensively vascularised, particularly in the
                  of smooth muscle (longitudinal – circular – longitudinal)  ox. The lamina propria contains cavernous spaces, the
                  comprising interwoven spirally oriented fibres (Figure  extent of which varies with species.
                                                                   Species variation
                   Species variation                               Cat and sheep: Cavernous spaces are lacking in the
                   Horse and pig: The outer longitudinal layer may be   initial portion of the urethra. In other species, cavern-
                   lacking.                                        ous tissue is present throughout the urethra, becoming
                                                                   more prominent near the opening into the vestibule.
                     The boundary between the muscle layers is sometimes
                  indicated by a vascular plexus. The spiral arrangement of   Occasional  smooth  muscle cells  are  present  in  the
                  muscle fibres facilitates sustained, uniform contraction of  subepithelial connective tissue. The tunica muscularis
                  the bladder wall. Near the vertex and neck of the bladder,  consists of inner circular and outer longitudinal layers. In
                  the muscle fibres from tight loops, though a functional  the horse, the oblique orientation of muscle fibres may
                  sphincter is not formed.                       give the appearance of a third layer. At the opening into
                     The bladder wall is innervated by an autonomic plexus  the genital tract, the smooth muscle cells intermingle with
                  with ganglion cells located between muscle layers (intra-  skeletal muscle fibres (m. sphincter urethrae).
                  mural ganglia). Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve
                  fibres regulate bladder motility and contraction of vessel  Male urethra
                  walls. The mucosa also contains sensory fibres.  The male urethra is closely connected, both structurally
                                                                 and functionally, with the genital organs and is discussed
                  Urethra                                        in Chapter 13, ‘Male reproductive system’.

                  Female urethra
                  The female urethra extends from the neck of the bladder to
                  the external urethral orifice. It consists of a tunica mucosa,
                  submucosa, tunica muscularis and a tunica adventitia.

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