Page 295 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
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Male reproductive system (organa genitalia masculina)   277

                     Arteries and veins ramify within the tunica albuginea   Species variation  to form a vascular layer (tunica vasculosa). This is located   Horse and cat: Interstitial cells contain glycogen.
                  superficially in the dog and ram, and more deeply in the
                                                                   Ox: Interstitial cells have mitochondria with folded cris-
                  stallion and boar. Smooth muscle fibres are also present in
                  the stallion, boar and ram.                      tae, as well as those with a tubular cristal morphology.
                     Connective tissue septa (septula testis) radiate from   Rough ER is also present. Light intercalated cells have
                  the tunica albuginea into the interior of the organ where   been observed in the loose connective tissue. These are
                  they form the mediastinum testis. In ruminants, pigs and   presumed to regulate androgen production by adjacent
                  dogs, the mediastinum testis begins near the extremitas   Leydig cells through paracrine pathways.
                  caudata, extends axially through the testis and recombines
                  with the tunica albuginea at the head of the epididymis.  Parenchyma
                  The septula testis divide the testicular parenchyma into  The tightly wound convoluted seminiferous tubules
                  numerous pyramidal lobules (lobuli testis), each contain-  (tubuli seminiferi convoluti) lie between the septula tes-
                  ing between two and five convoluted seminiferous tubules  tis. Before entering the mediastinum testis, the convoluted
                  (tubuli seminiferi convoluti).  These  tortuous  tubules  tubules straighten to form the straight testicular tubules
                  are surrounded by loose connective tissue, containing  which are joined to the rete testis within the mediastinum.
                  vascular and nerve plexuses and interstitial cells (hormone-  The rete testis empties via the ductuli efferentes testis
                  producing Leydig cells).                       into the epididymis (Figures 13.2 and 13.3).

                  Interstitial cells (Leydig cells)              Convoluted seminiferous tubules (tubuli
                  Leydig cells are found in clusters or cords (Figures 13.4  seminiferi convoluti)
                  and 13.5). Their number varies with age and species. The  The convoluted seminiferous tubules are surrounded by
                  proportion of total testis volume represented by Leydig  a lamina propria. The innermost layer of the lamina pro-
                  cells is 20–30% in the stallion and boar, and 5% in the  pria is in contact with the basal lamina of the seminiferous
                  bull. Individual cells are connected by gap junctions. Most  tubules. Fine collagen and elastic fibres are condensed

                  individual cells lie adjacent to a capillary.  into a thin layer that encloses the so-called peritubular
                     The interstitial cells are acidophilic and irregularly  contractile cells. These cells contain actin bundles and
                  polyhedral. The nucleus is spherical and euchromatic  act as myofibroblasts, bringing about contraction of the
                  with a prominent nucleolus. Numerous lipid vacuoles, lys-  seminiferous tubules. This facilitates spermiation (release
                  osomes and peroxisomes are present in the pale cytoplasm.  of spermatozoa into the tubular lumen) and transport of
                  Interstitial cells are characterised by large amounts of  spermatozoa through the tubules.
                  smooth ER and abundant, typically elongated mitochon-  The  tubules  are  around  50–80  cm  long  and  have  a
                  dria with tubular projections of the inner membrane.  diameter of 150–300 μm. Formation of male gametes
                  This tubular mitochondrial morphology is related to the  (spermatogenesis) takes place in the spermatogenic epithe-
                  endocrine function of the cell. The smooth ER contains  lium lining the tubular wall. The epithelium is composed of:
                  17-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, which catalyses
                  the transformation of androstenedione into testoster-  ·  spermatogenic cells and
                  one. In the mitochondria, cholesterol is converted into   ·  sustentacular  cells  (Sertoli cells,  epitheliocyti
                  pregnenolone.                                      sustentantes).
                     Production of androgens (testosterone) by interstitial
                  cells is stimulated by luteinising hormone (LH) produced   SPERMATOGENIC CELLS (CELLULAE
                  by the hypophysis. Over 90% of the testosterone in the   SPERMATOGENICAE)
                  body is produced by these interstitial testicular cells.  The spermatogenic cells of the tubular (spermatogenic)
                     Testosterone regulates spermatogenesis (together with  epithelium differentiate from primordial germ cells that
                  follicle-stimulating hormone, FSH), sexual behaviour,  have migrated into the gonads during embryonic develop-
                  accessory gland function, development of secondary sex-  ment. The spermatogenic cells are located between the
                  ual characteristics and anabolism. Secretion of testosterone  sustentacular cells. Spermatogenic cells undergo several
                  is subject to negative feedback mechanisms involving the  phases of division and maturation before being released
                  hypothalamus and hypophysis. Interstitial cells also syn-  as male gametes (spermatozoa) into the lumen of the
                  thesise peptides that act through paracrine or autocrine  seminiferous tubules. Final maturation occurs during the
                  (regulation of protein metabolism) mechanisms.  passage of the cells through the reproductive apparatus.
                                                                 The ability to fertilise an ovum is achieved after capaci-
                                                                 tation takes place within the female reproductive tract.
                                                                 Multiplication and differentiation of spermatogenic cells

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