Page 404 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 404

386  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                                                                  spinal cord and brain stem, where the nerve fibre-rich                                                white matter is located superficially while the grey matter
                                                                  lies internally, adjacent to the central canal and ventricles).
                                                                  The basal nuclei of the cerebrum are also composed of
                                                                  grey matter. White matter makes up the interior of the
                                                                  cerebrum. The fibres of the white matter establish connec-
                                                                  tions within the main bulk of the brain. Tracts formed by
                                                                  processes extending from efferent cells and interneurons
                                                                  of cranial nerves, and from projection neurons from the
                                                                  spinal cord, connect the components of the brain to form
                                                                  an integrated functional system.

                                                                  Cerebral cortex (cortex cerebri)
                                                                  The structure of the cerebral cortex (neocortex, isocor-
                                                                  tex) (Figures 17.9 to 17.11) exhibits regional variation in
                                                                  nerve cell, fibre bundle and glial cell architecture, and in
                                                                  the organisation of blood vessels. Nevertheless, all regions
                                                                  conform to a basic structural plan. In mammals, the cere-
                   17.7  Grey matter of the cerebellum (cat). Bodian stain   bral cortex is composed of six layers. From superficial to
                   (x300).                                        deep, these are the:

                   Golgi cell dendrites extend into the molecular layer where   ·  molecular layer (stratum moleculare),
                   they divide into branches.                       ·  external granular layer (stratum granulare
                   Cerebrum                                         ·  external pyramidal layer (stratum neuronorum
                   The neural components of the cerebrum vary in size, den-  pyramidalium externum),
                   sity, morphology and structure, reflecting the number and   ·  internal granular layer (stratum granulare internum),
                   complexity of the functions performed by this part of the   ·  internal pyramidal layer (stratum neuronorum
                   central nervous system. This accounts for the considerable   pyramidalium internum) and
                   differences in cyto-architecture observed within individual   ·  multiform layer (stratum neuronorum multifor-
                   layers in some parts of the brain. Marked variation also   mium) (Figure 17.9).
                   occurs in the organisation of glial tissue, vessels and nerve
                   fibres.                                        The outermost  molecular layer  is covered by the pia
                      Like the cerebellum, the cerebrum has an external  mater.  Scattered  small  neurons  (neurona  horizonta-
                   cortex composed of grey matter (this contrasts with the  lia) give off myelinated axons that course parallel to the

                   17.8  Layers of the cerebellum (schematic).

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