Page 405 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 405

Nervous system (systema nervosum)   387

                  17.9  Layers of the cerebrum (schematic). A: Golgi silver impregnation method showing branching of nerve
                  processes, B: Nissl stain showing neuronal endoplasmic reticulum, C: staining of myelin sheath to illustrate the
                  architecture of myelinated nerve fibres.

                                                                 surface. Together with the terminal branches of associa-
                                                                 tion and commissural fibres, these give rise to a tangentially
                                                                 oriented meshwork. The nerve cells act as interneurons.
                                                                 Also present in the molecular layer are dendrites of pyram-
                                                                 idal cells located in deeper layers of the cortex. Fibrous
                                                                 astrocytes form the superficial glial limiting membrane
                                                                 (membrana limitans gliae superficialis).
                                                                    The external granular layer consists of numerous small
                                                                 (10–12 μm) pyramidal nerve cells (neurona pyramidalia
                                                                 parva). The processes of these cells pass into the superficial
                                                                 and deeper cortical layers. In addition to small collateral
                                                                 branches, the cells have a principal dendrite that gives rise
                                                                 to the pyramidal shape of the cell. The external pyramidal
                                                                 layer contains mid-sized and large pyramidal cells (neu-
                                                                 rona pyramidalia), the size of the cell increasing towards
                                                                 the inner portion of the layer (20–40 μm). The external
                                                                 pyramidal layer is generally the thickest layer of the cer-
                                                                 ebral cortex. The internal granular layer is composed of
                                                                 small neurons of variable morphology. These cells serve
                                                                 as interneurons, their processes forming macroscopically
                                                                 visible stria that run parallel to the surface.
                                                                    The internal pyramidal layer is characterised by large
                                                                 pyramidal neurons (neurona pyramidalia magna, 80–120
                                                                 μm). The axons given off by these cells form a component
                                                                 of the pyramidal tracts. Structurally, the pyramidal neu-
                                                                 rons of the internal pyramidal layer resemble those of the
                  17.10  Cerebrum (dog). Golgi stain (x10).
                                                                 ventral horn of the spinal cord. Regional accumulations of

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