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404  Index

                   gustatory glands 351              hypothalamic regulatory hormones       T cells 147  gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)     inhibitor 161              CD8[+] lymphocytes 147
                                                                                         CD4[+] lymphocytes 147
                   gustatory papillae 184, 185–6
                                                     luteinising 165
                                                                                      immune response to antigens 148
                                                     melanocyte-stimulating 165
                                                                                    major histocompatibility complex
                   haemocytoblasts 140               male sex 276                   elimination of antigens 149
                   haemoglobin 136                   parathyroid 171, 272               (MHC) proteins 148
                   haemopoiesis 134                  peptide 219                      MHC class I proteins 148
                     see also blood                  releasing 161                    MHC class II proteins 148
                   haemopoietic stem cell 135, 137    reproductive 81, 301            MHC class III proteins 148
                   haemoreticular connective tissue 71    somatotropin (growth hormone) 81    principles of adaptive immunity 146
                   hair 333–5                        steroid 307                    schematic of immune cell
                     cells 378                       synthesis of 258                   differentiation 147f
                     root sheath structure 334–5     thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)   immunoblasts 142
                      dermal 334–5                       81                       immunocompetent T lymphocytes 140
                      epithelial 334                 tissue 214                   immunoglobulins (IgA) 64, 142, 220,
                     structure 333–4                 tropic 163                         337–8
                     types 335                     horn 336, 343                  immunomodulators 142
                       sinus 325, 335              horny sheath 183               implantation fossa 282, 283
                   haploid 30                      Hortega cells 118              independent intracardiac conduction
                   hard palate 182–3               humor vitreous 369                   of nerve stimuli 99
                   Harderian gland 371             humoral immune response 64, 142,   induced ovulation 320
                   Hassall’s corpuscles 152              148, 149                 infundibulae 257, 322
                   Haversian system 86, 87         hyaline cartilage 77, 78, 245, 248, 250  inhibiting hormones (IH) 161
                   heart 119, 129–30               hyalocytes 369                 innate cellular immune response 148
                     conducting system 130         hyaloid membrane 369           innate immune responses 143, 157
                     valves 130                    hyalomere 145                  inner nuclear layer 363
                   heat exchange 290               hyaluronidase 283              inner plexiform layer 363
                   helicine arteries 298           hydration 72, 354              innervation 99, 125, 174–5, 186–7, 275
                   helper T cells 142, 147         hydroregulation 324            insulin 72, 177, 234
                   hemidesmosomes 37, 46, 218, 325  hydroxyapatite crystals 188   intercalated discs 99, 101
                   heparin 64, 140                 hypodermis 330–1               intercalated duct 190, 191, 238
                   hepatic acinus 227              hypophyseal cavity 163         intercellular compartment 35
                   hepatic artery 226, 227         hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal   intercellular junctions 34-6
                   hepatic ducts 234                     system 163               intercellular pathway 129–30
                   hepatocyte 226, 230–4           hypothalamo-hypophyseal system   intercellular space width 34
                   hepatopancreatic ring 226             161–5                    interdigitating dendritic cells 149
                   hepatosplenic phase 134           hypophysis cerebri 163–5     interferon 220
                   Herbst corpuscles 183              adenohypophysis 163–5       interglobular dentin 188
                   Herring bodies 162, 166            neurohypophysis 165–6       interleukins (IL) 134
                   heterochromatin 26                hypothalamus 162             interlobar arteries 260
                   heterogametic 312                 schematic 162f               interlobar duct 190
                   high-pressure system 129–30     hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract 165–6  interlobular arteries 227, 228, 260
                   histamine 64, 140               hypothalamus 162               interlobular bile duct 227, 228
                   histiocytes (connective tissue                                 interlobular ducts 190, 234, 238
                         macrophages) 63           I cells 219                    interlobular veins 226, 227, 228, 260
                   histones 25                     ICSH see interstitial cell-stimulating   intermediate cells 306
                   holocrine secretion 56                hormone                  intermediate filaments 36, 92, 326
                   homeostasis 134                 IgA see immunoglobulins        intermediate line 36
                   homocrine 60                    IH see inhibiting hormones     intermediate metabolism 8
                   homologous chromosomes 30       IL see interleukins            intermediate segment 268
                   hooklets 345                    ileum 221, 225                 intermediate sinus 156
                   horizontal cell 364             immature lymphocytes 140       intermitotic nucleus 23
                   horizontal septum 255           immune system 146–9            internal circumferential lamellae 87
                   hormone receptors 234, 320        antigen-presenting cells (APCs)   internal elastic membrane 125, 126,
                   hormones 14, 72                       148–9                          127
                     adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) 81      B cells 149               internal root sheath 334
                     aldosterone 173                   follicular dendritic cells (FDCs)   internode 112
                     antidiuretic 272                    149                      interpapillary 327
                     calcitonin 81                    macrophages 148–9           interphase nucleus 23
                     effector 161–2, 163               non-follicular dendritic cells 149  interstitial cell-stimulating hormone
                     effects on uterine tubes 320    cells of adaptive immune response   (ICSH) 165
                     follicle-stimulating 165, 277       147–8                    interstitial cells 166, 277
                     growth hormone-inhibiting 165      B cells 148               interstitial connective tissue 66, 74

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