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406  Index

                   lipolysis 71                      T cells 64, 140, 142, 143, 146, 147,   male sex hormones 276  liver 226-34                      CD4 147, 148                mammary gland 336–40
                                                         149, 151
                                                                                  MALT see mucosa-associated
                   lipoprotein 13, 226, 231, 232, 337, 363
                                                                                        lymphatic tissue
                                                      CD8  147, 148
                     bile ducts 234
                       species variation 235
                                                                                    lactating 337–8
                     hepatocyte 230–4                  differentiation of 152       hormonal regulation 339
                                                   lymphoepithelial organ 150, 151
                     structure 226                 lymphoid follicles 197            alveoli 337
                       liver lobule 227–9          lymphoid nodules 152–3            ducts 338
                       liver sinusoid 229          lymphokines 142                   interstitium 338
                       perisinusoidal space 229–30  lymphoreticular connective tissue 71    quiescent 338
                      vessels 226–7                lysosomal storage diseases 9     teat 339–40
                       wall of sinusoid 229        lysosomes 8, 9, 138, 232, 269  manchette 282
                   liver cell 226                    structure 9–10               mandibular gland 59
                   lobuli testis 277               lysozyme 219                   mantle dentin 189
                   local voltage change 109        lyssa 184                      mantle layer 381
                   long-chain fatty acids 214                                     marginal papillae 185
                   loop of Henle 268               M cells 154                    marginal pool 139
                   low-pressure system 129–30      m. ciliaris posterior 356      marginal zone 157
                   lung 248–52                     m. crassus caudodorsalis 212   mast cells 64
                     bronchi 248–50                m. crassus cranioventralis 212  matrix granules 15
                     bronchioles 250               m. dilatator pupillae 357, 358  matrix horizontalis 211–12
                       species variation 252       m. sphincter cardiac 201       maturation phase 282
                     gas exchange interface 252–55  m. sphincter pupillae 357     mature preovulatory follicle 307
                   luteinising hormone (LH) 165    m. sphincter pylori 201        maxillary gland 192–3
                   lymph 130–1, 300                m. sphincter vaginae 323       MCG see membrane-coating granules
                   lymph heart wall 132            m. tenuis caudoventralis 213   MCM see membrane-coating material
                   lymph nodes 71, 140, 150, 154–6  m. tenuis craniodorsalis 213  mechanical papillae 184
                   lymph vessels 130–3, 156, 227, 262  macrophages 7, 22, 63, 143, 148–9, 229,   mechanoreceptors 349
                     collecting ducts 132                255, 336                 medial tympaniform membrane 248
                     lymph capillaries 131         macula adherens see desmosome  mediastinum testis 277, 287
                     lymph heart of birds 132–3    macula densa 268, 272          medulla 152, 156, 258, 271, 340, 385
                     lymphoreticular formation of birds   macula of the sacculus 375, 380  medullary collecting tubules 260, 268
                         133                       macula schematic 376f          medullary nephrons 268
                   lymphatic cistern 300           macula of the utriculus 375    medullary phase 134
                   lymphatic nodules 220           magnum 322–3                   megakaryoblast 144
                   lymphatic organs 149–60, 214    main duct 190                  megakaryocytes 144
                     birds 159–60                  major histocompatibility complex   megaloblastic phase 134
                       cloacal bursa 160                 (MHC) 3, 148             Meibomian glands 371
                       lymph nodes 159–60            class I proteins 148         meiosis 30
                      spleen 160                     class II proteins 148          meiosis I (reductional division) 30,
                     bone marrow 152                 class III proteins 148             302, 312
                     lymph nodes 154–7             male reproductive system 276–300     diakinesis 30
                       vessels and sinuses 156–7     accessory glands 292–6           diplotene stage 30
                     mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue       bulbourethral glands 296      late prophase 302
                         (MALT) 152–4                  pars glandularis of ductus       leptotene stage 30
                      bronchus-associated lymphoid       deferens 292                 pachytene stage 30
                         tissue (BALT) 220, 255        prostate gland 294–6           zygotene stage 30
                       gut-associated lymphoid tissue       structural features 293    meiosis II 312
                         (GALT) 220                    vesicular glands 292, 294  Meissner’s corpuscles 348
                       lymphoid follicles 152–3      dog (schematic) 276f         Meissner’s plexus 194, 200, 219
                       tonsils and Peyer’s patches 153–4    ductus deferens 290–2  melanin 22, 107
                     primary 149                      birds 292                   melanocyte-stimulating hormone
                     secondary 149                     species variation 290–1          (MSH) 165
                     spleen 157–9                    epididymis 288–90            melanocytes 22, 46, 287, 328, 332, 355,
                       splenic parenchyma and blood      birds 290                      357
                         vessels 157–9                 epididymal duct 288–90     melanosomes 22, 332, 360
                      structure 157                  penis 297–300                melatonin 167
                     structural features 150          birds 300                   membrana semilunaris 247–8
                     thymus 149, 150, 151–2           prepuce 299                 membrane aggregates 285
                      cortex 152                     testis 276–88                membrane fluidity 2, 3
                      medulla 152                     birds 287–8                 membrane modulator 4
                       thymic involution 152          parenchyma 277–87           membrane potential 5, 113, 214
                   lymphocytes 40, 64, 146, 147–8, 151     stroma 276–7           membrana propria 287
                     B cells 64, 140, 146, 148, 149    urethra 296–7              membrane recycling 14

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