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Index  411

                  Schmidt-Lanterman clefts 113      contraction 98                 primary 280  Schweigger-Seidel sheath 159    fibre types 99               spermatogenesis 280–4
                                                                                   secondary 280
                                                    distinguishing structural features
                  Schwann cell 112, 118
                                                                                   cyclic events 283–4
                  sclera 353, 354
                  scleral ring 356
                                                        glycolytic) 99
                  scleral venous sinus 370            intermediate (fast oxidative     duration of 284, 287
                                                                                   spermatocytogenesis 280
                  sebaceous glands 224, 331, 332      type I 99                    spermiogenesis 280–3
                  sebum 332                           type II 99                 spermatogenic cells 277, 280
                  second messenger cyclic AMP       fine structure 95–8          spermatogenic wave 284
                        (cAMP) 4                     sarcoplasm 95               spermatogonia 280
                  secondary bronchi 255               sarcoplasmic reticulum 95  spermatozoa (sperm cells) 276, 280,
                  secondary follicles 153, 303, 305–6      transverse tubular system 95–6,   285–6, 292
                  secondary laminae 342                 98                         capacitation of 314
                  secondary lymphatic organs 149    innervation 99                 motility 292
                  secretin 219                      microvasculature 99            transport of 314
                  secretory capillaries 58          satellite cells 99           spermatozoon 282–3
                  secretory end piece 191         skin see common integument       schematic (bull) 282f
                  secretory granules 8            slit diaphragm 265             spermiation 284, 285
                  secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) 220  small intestine 213–21   spinal cord 99, 382
                  segmented neutrophil 138          comparative structure in domestic     lumbar region schematic 383f
                  solgel state 8                        mammals 213t             spinal reticular formation 382
                  seminal plasma 292                distinguishing features 220–1  spinocellular connective tissue 302
                  seminiferous tubule (boar) 279     duodenum 220–1              spiral ligament 378
                  sense organs see receptors and sense      ileum 221            spiral organ 375, 376, 378–80
                        organs                       jejunum 221                   species variation 379–80
                  sensory cells 103, 350, 376, 378, 380    tela submucosa 220    spiral-shaped osseous canal 376
                  sensory nerve fibres 335, 355     tunica mucosa 214–20         spleen 140, 150, 157–9, 160
                  sensory tactile corpuscles 183      innate and adaptive protective   splenic follicle 158, 160
                  septula testis 277                    mechanisms 220           splenic parenchyma 157, 159
                  septum 298                          lamina muscularis mucosae    splenic sinuses 159
                  serius fat 72                         220                      splenic veins 159
                  serous glands 58 181, 182, 185, 191,       lamina propria mucosae 219–20  spontaneous generation 99
                        242, 2442, 353                mucosal epithelium 216–19  spontaneous ovulation 320
                  seromucous (mixed) glands 58, 255    tunica muscularis 220     stab neutrophils 138
                  serotonin (5-hydroxy-tryptamine) 219    tunica serosa 220      statoconia 375
                  serous demilunes 58, 192        small principal cells 171      stellate cells 385
                  serum 134                       smooth endoplasmic reticulum 231,   stellate subcapsular venous network
                  sex chromatin 26                      277, 284, 285                  260
                  sexual maturity 287             smooth muscle 91–4, 125, 195, 209,   stem cells 71, 82
                  Sharpey’s fibres 87, 189              247, 249                   haemopoietic 135, 137
                  shell gland 323                   cells 127, 194, 200, 220, 251, 287,     non-secretory 163
                  short-chain fatty acids 130, 189, 206,   295, 296                undifferentiated pluripotent 135
                        209, 214                    contraction 94               stereocilia 17, 34, 289
                  signal transduction pathways 4    distinguishing structural features   steroid hormone synthesis 13
                  signalling molecules 4                100                      steroid hormones 307
                  simple columnar epithelium 194, 199,     fibres 294–5, 316     STH cell 164
                        211, 296, 357               fine structure 91–4          stomach 198–213
                  simple columnar glandular epithelium     inner circular layer 195    avian 210–13
                        221                         outer longitudinal layer 195     glandular 211
                  simple exocrine glands 53         transverse section 92           muscular 211–13
                  simple glands 52                soft palate 183                  glandular stomach 199–206
                  simple reflex 381               somatic nervous system 381, 383      cardiac glands 201
                  simple squamous 257             somatostatin 177, 219              gastric juice 205
                  simple squamous epithelium 252, 373  somatotrope 164               gastric mucus 205
                  single-cell intra-epithelial exocrine   somatotropin (growth hormone) 81      proper gastric (fundic) glands
                        glands 51                 space of Fontana 356, 370            201–5
                  single-unit muscle 94           spatium perilymphaticum 375        pyloric glands 205
                  sinoatrial node 130             specialised epidermal structures 327    multi-chambered 199
                  sinuses of lymph node 156       specific (secondary) granules 139    ruminant 206–10
                    walls of 156                  specific sensory receptors 103      omaso-abomasal junction 210
                  sinusoidal capillaries 122, 135, 163, 227  specific surface receptors 139     omasum 210
                  sister chromatin strands 30     spectrin 17                       reticulum 209
                  skeletal muscle 94–9, 180       spermatid 280, 281                rumen 209–10
                    connective tissue 99          spermatocytes                  straight testicular tubules 277, 286

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