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Index  407

                  membrane transport proteins 4     number/distribution 16       muscle spindle 349    channel proteins 4            structure 14–15                smooth muscle 91–4
                                                                                 muscle tissue 91–102
                                                    outer membrane 15–16
                    carrier proteins 4
                                                                                     fine structure 91–4
                                                  mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) 15
                  membrane-bound immunoglobulins
                                                  mitotic (M) phase 28–9
                                                                                   striated muscle 94–102
                  membrane-coating granules (MCG)   mitochondrial sheath 283         muscle contraction 94
                        326                         anaphase 29                     cardiac 99–102
                  membrane-coating material (MCM)     cytokinesis 29                skeletal 94–9
                        326, 327                    metaphase 28–9               muscular stomach 210, 211–13
                  membranous organelles 1           prophase 28                  muscular venules 129
                  membranous discs 363              telophase 29                 musculocavernous type (penis) 298
                  membranous labyrinth 375, 379   mitotic spindle 18, 30         musculomembranous tube 193
                  memory cells 140                mixed bronchial glands 249     myelin sheath 111–13, 382
                  meninges 382, 389               mixed glands 182, 187, 192       composition 112–13
                    leptomeninges 389             mixed nerves 113, 114            formation 111–12
                    pachymeninx 389               modified cardiac muscle cells 102, 130      central nerve fibres 112
                  meniscus 79                     modified epithelial cells 53, 272, 375,       peripheral nerve fibres 112
                  Merkel cells 328, 335                 378                        surrounding axons of peripheral
                  merocrine secretion 53-5, 190, 218, 314,   modified nerve cells (paraganglia)   nerves 118
                        315, 331, 337                   175–6                    myelinisation 111
                  mesangial cells 267             modified skin 180                  composition of myelin sheath
                  mesangial matrix 267            modiolus 377                         112–13
                  mesaxon 112, 113                molecular layer 386                formation of myelin sheath
                  mesenchymal connective tissue   monoblasts 143                       111–12
                        (mesenchymal cells) 69, 70  monocellular glands 218      myeloblasts 137
                  mesenchymal odontoblasts 188    monocytes 64–5                 myelocyte 138
                  mesoderm 41, 69, 149            mononuclear leucocytes 137     myocardium 130
                  mesoglia 118                    mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS)   myoendocrine cells 178
                  mesothelium 195                       7, 143, 149, 156, 163, 226, 229  myoepithelial cells 53, 190, 357
                  messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) 23  motor end plate 99       myofibrils 98
                  metabolic nucleus 23            motor nerve 99                 myofibroblasts 220, 277
                  metabolically active organelles 99  motor nerve fibres 109     myofilaments 92
                  metamyelocyte 138               MPS see mononuclear phagocytic   myogenic contraction 94
                  metanephrogenic blastema 262          system                   myometrium 316–17
                  metaphase plate 29              MSH see melanocyte-stimulating   myoneural junction 109
                  metoestrus 320                        hormone                  myosin filaments 17, 92, 98
                  MHC see major histocompatibility   MTOC see microtubule-organising
                        complex                         centre                   nasal angle 372
                  microbodies 285                 mucin 58                       nasal cavity 240, 241–3
                  microfibrils 66, 68             mucinogen 51                     cranial portion 243
                  microfilaments 16–17, 83, 285   mucosa 179, 291                  nasal vestibule 241
                  microphages 137, 139            mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue     olfactory region 242–4
                  microplicae 32                        (MALT) 149, 152–4            axon fascicles 242
                  microtubule-organising centre     bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue      pseudostratified columnar
                        (MTOC) 17, 19–20                (BALT) 220, 255                epithelium 242
                  microtubules 17–20, 33, 285       gut-associated lymphoid tissue       species variation (birds) 243–4
                  microvasculature 219, 328             (GALT) 220                   tubulo-acinar serous glands
                  microvilli 17, 32–3, 43, 216      lymphoid follicles 152–3           242
                    plasmalemma of 218              tonsils and Peyer’s patches 153–4    respiratory region 241–2
                  middle piece (pars intermedia) 283  mucosal barrier 220          species variation 241
                  migration of neurons 116        mucous connective tissue 69–70  nasal diverticulum 241
                  migration pores 135             mucous glands 58               nasal gland 372
                  milk                            mucous neck cells 203          nasolacrimal duct 372
                    components 337                mucous tubulo-acinar glands 273  nasopharynx 183, 240, 244
                    let-down 339                  mucus 199, 202                 neck cells 203
                    proteins 337                  Müller cells 361, 364          neck (pars conjungens) of
                  mineral depot 88                  schematic 365                      spermatozoon 283
                  mineralised organic matrix 189  multicellular intra-epithelial exocrine   nephron 262–3, 272
                  mineralocorticoids 173                glands 52                nerve cells (fibres) 103–14
                  mitotic division 280            multilobar kidneys 258           classification 103–6
                  mitochondria 14–16, 95, 99, 232, 282  multipolar neurons 382       bipolar neurons 103
                    inner membrane 15, 277        multiunit muscle 94                multipolar neurons 104, 105–6
                    intermembrane space 15        multivesicular bodies 8            pseudo-polar neurons 104, 105
                    mitochondrial matrix 15       mural lymphoreticular formations 159      unipolar neurons 103

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