Page 54 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 54

36  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                                                                  filaments attach at these locations, enhancing the strength                                                of the cell-to-cell contact (Figures 1.47 and 1.49). The
                                                                  mechanical function of desmosomes is supported by the
                                                                  ring-like zonula adherens.
                                                                     Desmosomes are the sole form of anchoring junction
                                                                  found in the stratified epithelia of the skin. In cuboidal
                                                                  and columnar epithelia, desmosomes and zonula adher-
                                                                  ens usually occur together. Desmosomes (diameter 0.4 ×
                                                                  0.25 μm) do not surround the cell as a continuous struc-
                                                                  ture, rather they form spot- or plaque-like connections
                                                                  between neighbouring cells.
                                                                     While they are found primarily in epithelia, they also
                                                                  occur between cardiac muscle cells. The width of the
                                                                  space between segments of plasma membrane joined by a
                                                                  desmosome is 20–40 nm.
                                                                     On the cytoplasmic side of desmosomes, various
                   1.48  Electron micrograph of a zonula occludens   plaque proteins  (e.g. desmoplakin, plakoglobins,
                   adjoined by interdigitating cell processes (x21,000).  desmocalmin) aggregate to form a dense structure (des-
                                                                  mosomal attachment plaque) in which the intermediate
                                                                  filaments are anchored. Between the two desmosomal
                                                                  plaques is an integrated band (intermediate line) con-
                                                                  taining the extracellular portions of Ca -dependent
                                                                  transmembrane  glycoproteins  of  the  cadherin  family
                                                                  (desmogleins, desmocollins).
                                                                     The intermediate (keratin) filaments connected to the
                                                                  desmosome also serve as part of the supportive cytoskel-
                                                                  eton, extending throughout the cytoplasm along lines of
                                                                  mechanical force.

                                                                  GAP JUNCTION (NEXUS)
                                                                  Gap junctions are communicating junctions that per-
                                                                  mit direct exchange of  chemical or  electrical signals
                                                                  between adjacent cells (e.g. in surface epithelia, smooth
                                                                     Gap junctions are widely distributed through tissues
                                                                  and organs, particularly in epithelia, smooth muscle tissue,
                   1.49  Electron micrograph of a desmosome (x45,000).  cardiac muscle and nervous tissue. Their diverse functions
                                                                  include coordination of the activity of adjacent cells
                   sation and selective restriction of the passage of substances  (e.g. epithelia involved in fluid transport and electrolyte
                   through the epithelium, the zonulae adherentes (and des-  exchange, vascular and intestinal smooth muscle) and facil-
                   mosomes) perform a purely mechanical function. The  itation of the passage of regulatory molecules and smaller
                   presence of zonula occludens and zonula adherens in  metabolites between cells. The intercellular space in gap
                   close proximity gives rise to junctional complexes. When  junctions is very narrow (2–5 nm), appearing electron
                   viewed with light microscopy, these appear as a network  microscopically as a mere ‘gap’.
                   referred to as the terminal bar.                  Gap junctions are composed of  channel proteins
                      Intercellular junctions in which membrane proteins  arranged in a circle to form the wall of a pore. Referred
                   interact with intermediate filaments (keratin filaments)  to as connexons, these protein complexes consist of six
                   include desmosomes (lateral cell membrane) and hemides-  integral membrane subunits (connexins) configured to
                   mosomes (basal cell membrane).                 form a tunnel in the plasmalemma of each adjoining cell.
                      Desmosomes (Gk desmo = connection, soma = body)  The connexons in apposing membranes line up to form a
                   (diameter 0.3–0.5 μm) are  disc-like  plates that  serve  channel that connects the two cells. The number of pores
                   primarily to strengthen intercellular connections. At  (up to 2 nm wide, 20 nm long) within a gap junction varies
                   these sites, the apposing surface membranes condense.  widely, up to several hundred. Their ability to open and

                   Intracytoplasmic  bundles  of  intermediate  (keratin)  close reversibly is integral to their function.

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