Page 52 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 52

34  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                                                  ·  direct contacts:
                                                                         − interdigitations and
                                                                    ·  indirect contacts:
                                                                         − occluding junctions (zonula occludens, tight
                                                                         − anchoring junctions (zonula adherens, macula
                                                                        adherens [desmosome]) and
                                                                         − communication junctions (gap junction, nexus).

                                                                  Direct contacts
                                                                  The lateral and basal cell surfaces of many epithelial cells
                                                                  exhibit irregularly developed folds and invaginations that
                                                                  form interdigitations or interleaving zipper-like connec-
                                                                  tions between neighbouring cells.
                                                                     These are particularly pronounced in surface epithe-
                                                                  lia associated with intensive ion exchange (e.g. cells of
                                                                  proximal renal tubules or the cells of the striated [secre-
                                                                  tory] duct of salivary glands). The plasmalemma projects
                                                                  into the cell in the form of irregular, often elongated
                                                                  infoldings. The lateral and particularly basal surface area
                                                                  available for molecular transport is thus considerably
                   1.46  Apical cell surface with stereocilia (schematic).
                                                                     The width of the intercellular space has important
                                                                  functional implications. Usually manifesting as a narrow
                   Stereocilia                                    cleft (20–25 nm), the intercellular space contains substances
                   Stereocilia are elongated cell processes (5–7 μm). They  required for cellular metabolism (including carbohydrates,
                   resemble microvilli and are often described as particularly  glycoproteins, amino acids, ions). In the actively absorb-
                   long versions of these structures (Figure 1.46). Stereocilia  ing epithelia of the small intestine and gall bladder, these
                   lack a microtubular substructure. They occur in bundles  intercellular spaces may be greatly expanded due to active
                   and serve to increase surface area and participate in absorp-  transport of sodium and water.
                   tion and secretion by epithelial cells.
                      Stereocilia are found in the epididymis, in proximal por-  Indirect contacts
                   tions of the ductus deferens and on the sensory hair cells
                   of the inner ear. The stereocilia of the epididymis are par-  ZONULA OCCLUDENS (TIGHT JUNCTION)
                   ticularly long cellular extensions that arise from apical cell  In zonulae occludentes (tight junctions), the outer layers
                   protrusions. Similar to microvilli, they incorporate actin  of adjacent cell membranes become fused, eliminating
                   filament bundles interconnected by proteins (e.g. fimbrin).  the intercellular space. Tight junctions are usually located
                   The stereocilia of the hair cells of the ear act as sensory  apically, where they serve as a vital physiological barrier
                   mechanoreceptors.                              (Figure 1.47). By forming a tight seal between neighbour-
                                                                  ing epithelial cells, they restrict the movement of water or
                   Lateral surface specialisations                molecules into the intercellular space.
                   Firm connections between the lateral surface of adjacent   The zonula occludens forms a ‘belt’ around the apical
                   cells are essential for maintaining the functional integrity  region of epithelial cells, thus preserving the integrity of
                   of surface epithelia. As well as reinforcing the mechanical  the apical and lateral domains of the cell. The junctions
                   strength of the cell layer, these connections have an impor-  themselves are formed by a variably dense anastomo-
                   tant role in intercellular transport.          sing intramembranous network  of ridges comprised
                      In the plasmalemma of laterally adjacent cell walls, cell  of linear arrays of transmembrane proteins (e.g. occlu-
                   adhesion molecules (CAMs; see below) form an important  din). Transmembrane protein-associated zona occludens
                   component of specialised cell junctions. The content and  proteins ZO-1, ZO-2 and ZO-3 have a regulatory role
                   composition of the proteins and lipids of the lateral cell  in zonula occludens formation. Moreover, ZO-1 and
                   membrane differ substantially from those of the apical  ZO-3 facilitate interaction between occludin and the
                   membrane. The connections between cells fall into two  actin cytoskeleton, thus stabilising the intercellular
                   categories, direct and indirect:               junction.

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