Page 47 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 47

The cell (cellula)  29

    Leptotene                                                                   S phase
                        S phase

                      Pachytene                                                                   Prophase

                      Metaphase                                                                   Metaphase

                       Anaphase                                                                   Anaphase

                       Telophase                                                                   Telophase

                        Meiosis I

                       Meiosis II

                        G  phase                                                                  G  phase
                         0                                                                         1

                                             Meiosis                        Mitosis

                  1.39  Meiosis, mitosis and cytokinesis (schematic).

                  bind to protein complexes (kinetochores) located on each  mic reticulum. An ion-rich, strongly hypertonic nuclear
                  chromatid near the centromere. The kinetochore micro-  environment is thus re-established. The previously con-
                  tubules are responsible for producing ordered movement  densed and now separated chromatids begin to uncoil
                  of the chromosomes. During metaphase, longitudinal  and eventually can no longer be detected with histologi-
                  separation of the chromosomes continues. Guided by  cal stains. During the formation of the nuclear envelopes,
                  the kinetochore microtubules, the chromosomes become  the nucleoli develop from specific segments of the chro-
                  aligned along a plane in the equatorial region of the cell,  matids. With the resumption of RNA synthesis, nuclear
                  forming the metaphase plate.                   division is concluded.

                  ANAPHASE                                       CYTOKINESIS
                  During anaphase, the chromatids of each chromosome  Commencing in late anaphase, furrowing of the plasma
                  are separated from one another (Figures 1.38 and 1.39).  membrane continues in telophase (Figures 1.38 and 1.39)
                  The two kinetochores of each chromosome break apart  resulting in random distribution of organelles between
                  and the chromatids are drawn towards the poles. This  the two daughter cells. The cleavage furrow is produced
                  involves shortening of the kinetochore microtubules,  by a ring of actin filaments, which forms at the level of
                  with concurrent lengthening of the fibres making up the  the equator. The furrow deepens until the remains of
                  spindle. The poles move further apart, and the cell takes on  the spindle fibres in the middle of the cell become com-
                  an ovoid shape. As the chromatids move towards the poles,  pressed. This compacted central area is only maintained
                  their free ends are oriented towards the equator, while the  for a short period. Its separation gives rise to two daughter
                  centromere faces the poles.                    cells.
                                                                    The two new cells are genetically identical to the mother
                  TELOPHASE                                      cell and contain a similar complement of organelles.
                  Telophase begins when the chromatids have reached the  However, these are smaller than the mother cell and may
                  poles of the spindle (Figures 1.38 and 1.39). The kineto-  not be of equal size. During the subsequent growth phase
                  chore microtubules break down and the spindle fibres  (interphase), the cell increases in volume and commences
                  further increase in length. Concurrently, a new nuclear  its specific processes of differentiation and metabolism.
                  envelope is formed from the membranes of the endoplas-  A full cell cycle of growth and division is thus complete.

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