Page 11 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 11


             Reference Book and Task Card Box
                                                                you gather from this textbook should be close to the
             A  usual  day  in  most  veterinary  practices  is  often  fast   standards of care maintained at any veterinary clinic in
             paced and demanding. As a new person it is sometimes   which you find employment and just needs to be modi-
             difficult to find someone that is free to answer a question   fied to the “way they like things.”
             or clarify an instruction. The amount of information an   The reference book and task card box can be made
             assistant needs to know can be staggering, and it seems   very simply with prehole punched index cards that can
             like you have to know it all on the first day!     be kept bound together with “D‐rings” or a binder
               A technique used in many veterinary technology pro-  made for index cards. The index card fits nicely into
             grams is to have the students put together a reference   scrub or lab coat pocket and can be changed out as
             book or a task card box. The idea is to put key activities   duties or procedures change. The task card box also
             and information at your fingertips or in a central loca-  utilizes index cards kept in a recipe box with dividers
             tion for quick reference. The information in the refer-  for weekly, monthly, and yearly tasks. However you put
             ence book is usually common information or standard   your reference book and task card box together, make
             operating procedures and the task card box is usually   it yours! Be as creative as you wish; just try to keep in
             reminders for tasks that need to be performed weekly,   mind that as you grow in your job, you will be given
             monthly, or yearly. This information can be tailored to   more or at least different tasks, which in turn will
             the practice in which you work or can be used right from   require more or different information. So keep it flex-
             this book as a means to study for exams. The information   ible and changeable.

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