Page 7 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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             Preface                                        ix    3  Veterinary Business Protocols             33
             Acknowledgments                                xi        Front Office Skills                      34
             About the Companion Website                   xiii           Telephone Skills                     34
                                                                          Scheduling Appointments              35
                                                                          Handling Non‐Client Calls            37
               1  Professional Conduct                                Client Interactions at the Facility      38
                  and Foundation Skills                     1             Admitting Patients                   39
                  Determining Your Role in a Veterinary                   Discharging Clients                  39
                   Practice                                  1        Veterinary Medical Record Keeping
                  Meeting Employer Expectations – 10 Behaviors         Procedures                              40
                   to Master                                 4            Computerized Versus Paper Patient
                  Professional Appearance                    8              Records                            40
                  Effective Communication Skills Within                   Paper Patient Record Assembly        41
                   the Veterinary Practice                  10            Paper Filing Systems                 41
                      Verbal Communication                  10            Chronological Order or SOAP File Format   42
                      Non‐verbal Communication              10            Transferring Medical Records         42
                      Client Communication                  10            Forms, Certificates, and Logs        43
                      Written Communication                 11        Day’s End Protocols                      45
                  Computer Competency                       11        Inventory Control                        46
                  Use and Misuse of Social Media            12            Daily Inventory Control              47
                  Determining Credible Web Sources          12            Ordering Supplies                    48
                  Anticipation of Workflow                  12            Receiving Shipments                  48
                  Application of Veterinary Ethics          13            Handling Shipments and Invoices      48
                  Human–Animal Bond                         13            Restocking Shelves                   48
                  Grief Process                             14
                  Foundation Skills – Veterinary Practice Math
                   and Medical Terminology                  14    4  Facility and Equipment
                      Basic Math Used in the Veterinary               Maintenance – Cleaning for
                         Practice                           14
                      Estimating                            16        Disease Control                          51
                      Volume Measurements – Dilutions       16        Basic Cleanliness and Orderliness        52
                      Drug Calculation                      18            Cleaning                             54
                      Medical Terminology                   18            Disinfecting                         54
                                                                      Hospital Waste – Non‐Hazardous versus
                                                                       Hazardous                               55
               2  Laws, Policies, and OSHA                            Cleaning Techniques When Caring
                  Standards Affecting                                  for Hospitalized Animals                57
                  Veterinary Practice                      21             Order of Cleaning                    57
                                                                      Facility Maintenance                     60
                  Laws and Regulations for Veterinary                     Hospital Laundry                     61
                   Practices                                21        Equipment Maintenance                    62
                      Federal Laws                          21
                      State Laws                            23
                      Common or Case Law                    24    5  Anatomy and Physiology                    73
                      Local Ordnances                       25
                  Guidelines of Practice from Veterinary              “Speaking” Anatomy                       73
                   Organizations                            26        Body Systems                             75
                  Occupational Safety and Health Administration           Skeletal System                      75
                   (OSHA) – Workplace Safety                26            Muscular System                      78
                      Labeling                              27            Cardiovascular System                78
                      Personal Protection Equipment         27            Respiratory System                   81

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