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Contents   vii

                  Administration of Medications            193   14  Surgical Room Skills                    251
                      Ear Cleaning and Medicating          194
                      Topical Medications                  196        Cleaning and Maintaining the 
                      Oral Medications                     197         Surgery Suite                          252
                      Ophthalmic Medications               200            Gas Anesthesia Machine              255
                  Syringes and Needles                     201            Cleaning the Surgical Instruments   256
                      Preparing Syringe and Needle for Use   203          Assembling Surgical Packs           257
                      Solution Bottle Preparation          204            Cold Sterilization                  269
                      Preparing Vaccines                   204        Surgery Skills and Maintaining an Aseptic
                  Injections                               205         Environment                            270
                      Subcutaneous Injections              206            Pre‐Surgical Phase                  270
                      Subcutaneous Fluid Administration    206            Peri‐Surgical Phase                 274
                      Intramuscular Injections             207            Post‐Surgical Phase                 278
                      Intranasal Infusion                  208            Post‐Surgical Emergencies           279
                  Monitoring IV Fluid Administration and IV           Client Communication                    279
                   Catheter Maintenance                    208        Removing Sutures                        279
                  Wound Care and Bandaging                 210        Reference                               281
                      Apply a Simple Bandage               211
                      Bandage Failure                      214
                      Bandage Removal                      214   15  Dental Skills for the Veterinary
                  Emergency Support                        214        Assistant                              283
                      Maintenance of Crash Cart Kit or                Assistant’s Role in Veterinary Dentistry   283
                         Emergency Station                 215        Dental Anatomy                          283
                  Suggested Reading                        215        Dental Terminology                      284
                                                                      Directional Terms                       284
                                                                      Dental Formulas                         285
              12  Laboratory Skills                       217         Age Approximation Based on Dental Eruption   285
                  Maintenance of Stain Sets                218        Head Type                               285
                  Staining Protocol                        219        Dental Instruments, Equipment, and Maintenance  285
                  Laboratory Log Book                      219            Preparation of Dental Instruments   287
                  Maintenance of the Common Laboratory                    Sharpening Hand Instruments         287
                   Equipment in the Veterinary Lab         220        Power Scalers                           287
                      Binocular Microscope                 220            Selection of the Correct Handpiece Tip   288
                      Centrifuge                           221        Air‐Driven Dental Units                 288
                      Refractometer                        222        Dental Prophylaxis                      289
                  Sample Collection                        222        Polishing Follows Dental Cleaning       289
                      Parasitology                         223        Charting the Oral Examination           289
                  Blood Collection and Handling            229            Triadan Numbering System            289
                      Equipment Set‐up                     229            Anatomical Numbering System         290
                      Blood Sample Handling                230            Charting Symbols                    291
                      Blood Chemistry and Electrolyte                 Basics of Pocket Pet Dentistry          292
                         Determinations                    234        Dental Formula for Pocket Pets          292
                      Serologic Test Kits                  235            Ferret Dentition                    292
                      Urine Collection                     235            Hedgehog Dentition                  292
                      Microbiology – Sample Collection     238        Intraoral Radiography                   293
                  Necropsy: Preparation and Follow‐Up      240            Patient Positioning for Dental Radiography   293
                      Preparing Samples for Shipment                      Manual Developing of Dental Radiographs   294
                         to Reference Laboratory           241        Patient Care and Clean‐up               294
                  Vaginal Cytology Collection              242        Client Education                        294
                                                                          Daily Dental Care                   295
                                                                          Dental Patient Discharge Instructions   295
              13  Pharmacy Skills                         243         Suggested Reading                       295
                  Controlled Drugs                         244
                  Reading a Prescription                   245   16  Diagnostic Imaging and 
                  Labeling a Prescription Container        246
                  Safe Handling of Dispensed Drugs         247        Endoscopy                              297
                  Prescription Packaging                   248        Introduction to Diagnostic Imaging      298
                  Explaining Prescriptions to the Owner    248        Digital Radiography                     298
                  Classification of Medications            250        Advanced Imaging Technologies           298
                  Suggested Reading                        250        Quality Assurance                       299
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