Page 118 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 118

102    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

                                                             are now Seal, Blue, Chocolate, Flame (red), and Lilac!
                                                             The oriental body shape has been used to develop other
                                                             breeds of cat like the multicolored Oriental Shorthair, the
                                                             solid colored Burmese, the Tonkinese that is somewhat
                                                             reminiscent of the old‐fashioned bodied Siamese or the
                                                             Balinese Torte Point (Figure 6.10). The other full breed
                                                             short hair cats are the Bengal, Korat, Russian Blue, British,
                                                             American, and Exotic Shorthairs.
                                                               Other shorthaired cats with rather unique coats are
                                                             the Devon, Cornish, and Selkirk Rex cats. They were
                                                             developed from spontaneous mutations of the hair coat.
                                                             Instead of a straight hair shaft it comes out curly or wavy.
                                                             These cats have an oriental body with large ears and
                                                             round eyes (Figure  6.11). Another spontaneous muta-
                                                             tion was used to develop the Scottish Fold; this cat’s
                                                             pinnas are folded over so that the ear canal is not acces-
                                                             sible (Figure 6.11).
          FIGURE 6.9  Siamese cat. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Used under   Medium hair-length purebreds include Birmans,
          CC‐BY‐SA 2.0;  Angoras, Maine Coon cats, American Bobtail or Wirehair,
                                                             and the Turkish Van to name a few. These cats have hair
                                                             coats in multiple colors. The Maine Coon is the largest
                                                             cat and has very distinctive tuffs of hair on the ears and
                                                             between the toes, as well as a very impressive mane. They
                                                             often weigh in at 12–18 lb, are often 40 inches long and
                                                             10–13 inches tall (Figure 6.12).
                                                               The  last  group  of  cats  are  the  longhairs.  The  most
                                                             popular of these and the most common is the Persian.
                                                             This is the second most manipulated cat breed in that its
                                                             face wasn’t always so very “pushed in” or classified as a
                                                             brachiocephalic face (Figure 6.13). Persians have a thick
                                                             double coat made up of dense, soft fur beneath long
                                                             guard hairs. The soft fur gets matted very easily and so
                                                             requires daily brushing to prevent these mats.
                                                             Unfortunately, many Persians are grumpy about this and
                                                             rarely sit still or enjoy the attention. So, we see them in
                                                             the veterinary clinic because there is a “hot spot” or bac-
                                                             terial infection under the mats. These areas must be
                                                             shaved in order to treat them and so often the client opts
                                                             to have the entire cat shaved.
                                                               The color point version of the Persian is called a
                                                             Himalayan. They have the color points on the head, tail,
                                                             and paws. Ragdolls are also a color point; however, they
                                                             have white markings, and the Norwegian Forest cat can
                                                             come in any color.
          FIGURE 6.10  Balinese Torte Point. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
          Used under CC‐BY‐SA 3.0;
                                                               Learning Exercise

          point color pattern. In this case the medical record could   Distinguishing cat breeds can be difficult. Utilize
          indicate that the cat is a Siamese Cross.            the internet to learn of any cat shows coming up
            The Siamese cat is one of two cat breeds that have been   in your area. If possible go to the show and visit
          heavily manipulated by humans. Their original body style   with the owners. Most will gladly allow photos if
          was of a medium‐sized cat, with a round head and a coat   you ask nicely and tell them why you are taking
          color as described earlier. However, this cat underwent a   them. Build a scrapbook or reference book with
          transformation. A longer, leaner oriental body was devel-  cat breeds.
          oped, with a sharply triangular head and the color points
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