Page 117 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 117

Chapter 6  Introduction to Animals  101

              (a)                              (b)                                 (c)

             FIGURE 6.8  Toy group: (a) Chihuahua, (b) Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and (c) Pug. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Used under CC BY‐SA

             They are gentle giants that tolerate piles of children with   to know and love. If children are to be in the mix it is
             aplomb and are very protective of their little people!   better to raise this group with the child rather than get-
             Most drool a little and some drool a lot! The protection   ting one when the child is a toddler. Having said that, it
             and police dogs include Rottweilers, Dobermans, Great   is important to teach the child to respect the dog and the
             Danes, Boxers, and Mastiffs. Mastiffs were used to   dog to respect the child.
             develop most of the dogs in this group. Their large size
             and deep voices deter even the most foolhardy burglar.
             Luckily, these dogs are truly gentle giants and their bark
             is worst than their bite. All of these are great dogs and   Learning Exercise
             make good family pets.                                As you go about your day and see different
                                                                   breeds of dogs, see if you can guess their breed
             Toy Group                                             by the descriptions provided above. Perhaps by
                                                                   starting a “scrapbook” or quiz card app on your
             The toy group of dogs was developed to fit into pockets   phone, take a picture and use it to help you learn
             or satchels to be carried and pampered by royalty across   the breeds.
             Europe and Asia (Figure 6.8). For the most part they still
             think of themselves as royalty and expect to be treated as
             such, meaning don’t touch me unless you want to be bit-
             ten! Luckily, they weigh between 8 and 20 lb so they don’t  Cat Breeds
             cause massive damage when they bite, but it still hurts!
             Again, there is a wide range of hair coats and sizes avail-  Cats have been domesticated for thousands of years; they
             able in this group. They are usually one person’s pet and   have been worshipped as gods, declaimed as spawn of
             they may not tolerate the rest of the family. The smallest   the devil, and loved as part of the family. Most of the cats
             toy is the Chihuahua coming in at 3–6 lb and they can   seen in the veterinary clinic will be of the “domestic
             have short or long hair coats. Their distinguishing fea-  type” meaning that they are not purebred cats. They
             ture is their “apple dome” head, the rounded skull offset   come in all shapes, hair coat lengths, and colors. The
             by prick ears. The next smallest is the Yorkshire Terrier,   medical record will often show under breed the abbrevi-
             with long flowing gray gunmetal hair. They are often   ations DS for domestic short hair, DL for domestic long
             seen in the veterinary clinic with the initials BD/LD in   hair, or DM for domestic medium hair. There is one
             the record which means “big dog injured little dog.”   breed of cat that has a dominant gene for its hair coat,
             However, it was most likely the Yorkie that picked the   eye color, and color pattern and that is the Siamese
             fight! The Pomeranian rounds out the smallest toys,   (Figure 6.9). The Siamese is a solid‐colored cat ranging
             being a double-coated puffball with a squirrel tail. The   in body color from ivory to a seal brown with points that
             larger long‐haired toys include Cavalier King Charles   include a mask, paws, and tail in a darker shade of brown,
             Spaniels, Maltese, Papillon, Pekingese, and Shih Tzu.   and brilliant blue almond‐shaped eyes. This  color
             The larger short‐haired toys include Pugs, Chinese   pattern is called a seal point and is homozygous domi-
             Crested, and the Italian Greyhound. Again, there are   nant (SS) or homozygous recessive (ss). So, when a pure-
             individuals in this group that are notorious for biting but   bred Siamese mates with a regular domestic cat often all
             then there are delightful individuals that are fun to get   or most of the offspring will have blue eyes and a seal
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