Page 112 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 112

96    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          Breeds of Animals                                  hair coats because of where they were developed (e.g.,
                                                             Australian Cattle Dogs). Old English Sheepdogs have a
                                                             double hair coat which means they have a thick, dense
          It is important to learn a bit about what a purebred   underlayer with long  guard hairs protruding through
          animal is, who is responsible for the registration of these   that to protect them from snow and rain. There are sev-
          animals, and how to recognize the breed traits to help   eral breeds that have double hair coats of varying lengths
          you identify breeds of dogs, cats, and pocket pets. This is   and densities. The short legged Corgi was developed to
          a synopsis of what you need to know and your instructor   move the neighbor’s livestock off their owner’s pastures,
          will lead you in how to find out about the different   so they didn’t need the extra leg length to move through
          breeds or varieties.                               or climb to Alpine meadows.
            A purebred animal is one that breeds true, meaning
                                                               All the dogs in the herding group are extremely intel-
          when breeding a Poodle to another Poodle you get a   ligent and hard working. If they are to be pets, they must
          Poodle that meets the breed standard. A breed standard   have an activity to keep their minds active like fly ball,
          describes the animal from head to toe and is used to   agility courses, or getting out for long runs with their
          judge if the animal is “of standard” if shown or if deciding   humans.  Herding dogs are  very affectionate to their
          to use it for breeding. For dogs, the American Kennel   owners, will herd children and keep an watchful eye on
          Club (AKC) is a registration organization with each   them. As a whole, they are a bit wary of strangers but that
          breed having an organization or club. The Cat Fanciers   makes them good watch dogs, as part of their behavior to
          Association  (CFA)  and  individual  breed  clubs  do  the   sound off when “danger” is near.
          same for cats. Horses, cattle, sheep, and pigs have breed
          associations for each species.
                                                             Hound Group

            Reflection                                       Hounds were developed to hunt different animals in a
                                                             variety of terrains. Because of this the group can be
            Now that you know what a purebred animal is,     divided into  sight hounds and  scent hounds. Sight
            discuss the “breeders” that mix breeds like Labra-  hounds were developed to see and chase after fast prey
            dors and Poodles and call them Labradoodles      like antelope, gazelle, and rabbits. They have very long
            and charge thousands of dollars for a “designer”   legs, lean bodies with deep chests for speed and endur-
            breed. What are people paying for? Are these     ance (Figure 6.3). Some have longer hair like the Afghan
            breeders hurting the original breeds by doing this   Hound and others have extremely short hair like the
            cross‐breeding? Will Labradoodles ever become a   Greyhound. The tallest of all dogs are Irish and Scottish
            purebred dog?                                    Wolfhounds. They are more muscular than their cousins
                                                             and were developed to hunt bear, boar, and of course
                                                             wolves. The sight hounds tend to be more of a one‐
                                                             person dog and a bit aloof and sedate when around a
            The AKC has separated all dogs into seven groups:
          herding, hounds, non‐sporting, sporting, terriers,   stranger. They will tolerate handling but  don’t usually
                                                             give you that happy, wagging tail.
          working, and toys. Each of these groups, except for the   The scent hounds were developed to hunt rabbits,
          non‐sporting group, have similar characteristics, not   fox, badgers, and racoons. Most of them have short hair
          only in body shape, but in what they were bred to do for   coats, a couple have a wire coat (medium length and
          humans. It is beyond the scope of this book to go into   harsh to the touch) or long hair. The largest of the scent
          all 190 breeds the AKC recognizes, but we will talk   hounds are the Bloodhounds and the smallest are the
          about each group and point out some traits to use as   Miniature Dachshunds. Bloodhounds have a renowned
                                                             sense of smell and are credited with being able to pick
                                                             up a scent many hours old. They are often trained as
          Herding Group                                      search and rescue dogs. Beagles, Foxhounds, and
                                                             Harriers are very similar in color, being mostly “hound
          The herding group is made up of those dogs that like to   colored” which is a combination of tan, white, with hints
          herd and or keep other animals in a group. The largest   of black short hair. The differences between them are
          are the Shepherds, the hairiest are the Old English   height. Beagles are 13 or 15 inches at the withers whereas
          Sheepdogs, and the smallest are the Corgis (Figure 6.2).  Foxhounds and Harriers are 20–25 inches. They were all
            When you look at the group as a whole you see similar   developed to chase fox or rabbits in a pack. Because of
          body types in all but the Corgis. The common body type   this these dogs are usually not happy living alone; they
          is long legs, deep chests, and thick hair coats to protect   need a pack for entertainment. Dachshunds are a breed
          them from cold weather and thorns. Some have shorter   that has been heavily manipulated by humans. They
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