Page 108 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 108

92    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

                                                             fox has a denser hair coat than the red fox because of the
             TIP BOX 6.1
                                                             environment in which it lives. There are many varieties of
           A mnemonic for remembering the Linnaean System of   fox around the world and each has its own species,
           Classification:                                   whereas a dog is Canis famililiaris whether it is a Great
           Kings Playing Cards On Fine Gold Seats            Dane or a Chihuahua. This is because all dogs came from
           Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species  one genotype but were bred selectively by humans for
                                                             various desirable traits. By selecting certain genetic traits
          and species and is usually written in italics. For example,   or mutations based on phenotype or external characteris-
          the domestic dog’s scientific name is Canis (genus) famili-  tics (coat length, color and texture, length of legs, shape
          liaris (species). Note the genus is always capitalized, and   of head, ears, and tail), humans also selected for behavior
          the species follows starting with a small letter. Table 6.1   or an innate ability to perform a job and so developed
          shows the genus and species names of the companion ani-  hundreds of breeds of dogs. Dog still exists within its
          mals and livestock commonly seen in veterinary practice.   genus but looks and behaves in a myriad of ways. The fol-
          Also included in the table is the signalment term used   lowing are some examples of how breeds were developed
          under species in a medical record. The signalment term is   using phenotypes, function, and behaviors.
          not italicized nor does it always have to be capitalized.
            In addition to the signalment term for genus and
          species there is a term for each male, female, and off-  Phenotypes
          spring  of  the  species.  To  further  clarify  an  animal’s
          identification,  specific terms are used  for neutered or   Specific coat pattern – Angora rabbits (long hair) over
          castrated animals. Table  6.2 shows a list of terms for   New Zealand Whites (short hair)
          males, females (altered and unaltered), and offspring.  Coat colors – Appaloosa (spotted coat) over a chestnut
            Within each genus of animal there are several species
                                                               horse (solid colored coat)
          as developed by nature based upon environmental cir-  Looks – English Bulldog (brachiocephalic face) over a
          cumstances. For example, let us compare an Arctic fox   Greyhound (dolichocephalic face)
          with a red fox (Figure  6.1). Both are in the order   Function – Clydesdale draft horse over a thoroughbred
          Carnivora, family Canidae, both are the same genus but   race horse
          are different species. The Arctic fox is Vulpes lagopus and   Behaviors  –  Working  dogs  (German  Shepherds)  over
          the red fox is Vulpes vulpes. Both look like foxes, both act   non‐sporting dogs (Poodles)
          like foxes, but they are uniquely different. The Arctic fox
          has a gray to black coat in the summer and a white coat in   All these characteristics and behaviors can be brought
          the winter. The red fox stays red all year long. The Arctic   about by the manipulation of genetic traits.

               TABLE 6.1

            Genus Species and Signalment Term of Companion Animals and Livestock
            Animal                    Genus                     Species                         Common term
            Dog                       Canis                     familiaris                      Canine
            Cat                       Felis                     domesticus                      Feline
            Rabbit                    Oryctolagus               cuniculus                       Lagomorph
            Ferret                    Mustela                   putorius furo                   Ferret
            Guinea Pig                Cavia                     porcellus                       Cavi
            Hamster                   Mesocricetus              auratus                         Hamster
            Gerbil                    Meriones                  unguiculatus                    Gerbil
            Mouse                     Mus                       musculus                        Mucadae
            Rat                       Rattus                    norvegicus domestica            Rattus
            Horse                     Equus                     caballus                        Equine
            Cattle                    Bos                       taurus                          Bovine
            Sheep                     Ovis                      aries                           Ovine
            Goat                      Capra                     aegagrus hircus                 Laprine
            Pig                       Sus                       scrofa domesticus               Porcine
            Bird                      Many names                                                Avian
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