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Chapter 5 Anatomy and Physiology 89
the subcutaneous layer. It connects to the underlying
fascia of muscles and bones. It consists of well‐vascular- Chapter Reflection
ized, loose areolar connective tissue and adipose tissue
(fat). This fat provides a cushion and insulation. Think about the different body systems and
Hair, horns, claws, and hooves are accessory struc- write one sentence (or more) about what you
tures in the integumentary system which are made of learned about each system that surprised you or
keratin and other proteins. Hair is made of protein fila- something you didn’t know about until now.
ments that grow from follicles found in the dermis. Horn
grows from a core of live bone. Dehorning animals
requires the removal of the horn “bud” to keep the horn Suggested Reading
from growing back. Claws, hooves, and spurs also grow
from a “bed” and if these are damaged or removed Biology Dictionary. 2019. Muscle tissue. https://biologydictionary.
(declawing) they do not grow back, or they grow back net/muscle‐tissue/ (accessed July 12, 2019).
deformed. Chhabra T. 2018. Types of connective tissue. Sciencing. https://
Diseases that affect skin are infections, allergens, par-‐types‐connective‐tissue‐8768445.html (accessed
asites, and trauma. Animals with infections may present July 12, 2019).
with small bumps of pus called pustules. They can also Hines T. 2018. Anatomy of the brain. Mayfield Brain and Spine.
present with hot, red, weeping skin. These are often‐anatbrain.htm (accessed July 12,
called hot spots. Animals with allergens present with McDougal W. Connective tissue: types, functions and disorders. Study.
hives, raised red itchy areas. Parasites of the skin, like com.‐tissue‐types‐
mite infestations, can look like hives. Some parasites are functions‐disorders.html (accessed July 12, 2019).
visible to the naked eye, like ticks, fleas, and lice, and are Rice University. Anatomy and Physiology: Chapter 5 Layers of the skin.
known as ectoparasites. Ringworm is a fungus that pres- BC Open Textbooks.
ents as round red raised areas that may be itchy. chapter/5‐1‐layers‐of‐the‐skin/ (accessed July 12, 2019).
Veterinarians carry out several tests to determine what Rutgers. Nervous tissue.‐
is wrong with the skin. Skin scrapings to check for mites nervous.html (accessed July 12, 2019).
involves scraping the skin with a scalpel blade and Shah SM. 2018. Sperm release pathway. Medline Plus. https://
looking at it under the microscope. To test for fungus, (accessed July
hairs on the edge of the infected area are collected and 12, 2019).
added to a growth medium or looked at under the micro- Socratic. 2016. Where are sperm created? Where are they stored?‐are‐sperm‐created‐where‐
scope. If it turns out to be an allergen, medication to are‐they‐stored (accessed July 12, 2019).
reduce the inflammation is given. Alternatively, they may University of Washington. 2001. The O’ cells. https://depts.
run tests to see what is causing the allergic reaction. (accessed
Areas infected by bacteria may be cultured. July 12, 2019).