Page 101 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 101

Chapter 5  Anatomy and Physiology    85

                Cross-section of testicle                                                    Bull testicle

                                                                 Vas deferens

                                                                 Nerves and
                                                                 blood vessels
                Scrotum                 cord

                  Head of

                albuginea                                       Body of

                                                                Tail of

             FIGURE 5.20  Cross‐section and intact bull testicle. Adapted from Wikimedia Commons.

             frequent urination, and pain upon urination                            Uterine horns
             (Figure 5.19).
               The veterinarian will request a urinalysis to check for
             a UTI. Radiographs with a contrast agent may be ordered                                    Fallopian tube
             to check for bladder stones. An ultrasound is used to   Fallopian tube                     Ovary
             visualize the kidney and bladder. Blood samples may be   Ovary
             taken, and blood chemistries performed to check for
             kidney function.
                                                                          Body of uterus               Broad ligament

             Reproductive System                                                                 Cervix
             The reproductive systems of males and females combine                               Urethral opening
             to create life and sustain the species. The male reproduc-
             tive system is consistent across the different species. The   FIGURE 5.21  Female reproductive tract.
             male reproductive tract consists of the testes, which con-
             tain the seminiferous vesicles, epididymis, vas deferens,
             urethra, prostate gland, and penis.                uterine horns are longer to accommodate multiple
               Sperm is produced in the seminiferous vesicles   fetuses (Figure 5.21). However, the process of egg fer-
             (Figure 5.20). The epididymis is where sperm is stored.   tilization is the same in all species. Eggs are produced
             When the male is aroused the sperm leaves the epidid-  in the  ovaries, hormones released by the pituitary
             ymis through the vas deferens, fluid from the      gland stimulates the release of eggs into the fallopian
             seminiferous vesicles and prostate gland are combined   tubes. This is called ovulation. Fertilization of the egg
             with the sperm as it travels into the urethra and out,   occurs in the fallopian tubes, and the fertilized ovum
             inseminating the female.                           moves and implants in the uterus. An embryo begins to
               The female reproductive tract varies depending on   grow into a fetus. The life support system for the fetus
             the number of offspring the species produces. The   is the placenta. It supplies nutrients, oxygen, and blood
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