Page 98 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 98

82    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          found in the body. The innate system is often the first   body, with a few that are superficial enough to be felt if
          line of defense and is composed of white blood cells   enlarged. The popliteal lymph node is found caudal to
          known as granulocytes;  neutrophils, eosinophils, and   the knee; the axillary is found in the armpit; the inguinal
          basophils, and the white blood cell known as a mono-  is found in the groin; and the submandibular is found
          cyte. These blood cells circulate through the body and   beneath the jaw.
          take care of bacteria, parasites, allergens, and viruses as   Diseases of the lymph system include lymphoma, a type
          they come upon them or are called to the location by   of cancer that is systemic and fatal. A biopsy of a swollen
          cells in the tissues known as mast cells. These cells will   lymph node can determine if it is cancer or some other
          destroy  pathogens  either  by  ingesting  them  or  by   lymphadenopathy or disease of the lymph node. Cancers
          releasing granules that destroy chemically.        of the bone marrow can affect the production of white
            The other response is from the adaptive system. The   and red blood cells, either too few or too many or cells
          adaptive system is largely made up of white blood cells   that don’t do their jobs correctly. Autoimmune conditions
          called lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are unique because   make the blood cells attack “self” or normal body cells
          they can adapt to whatever the body needs in the way of   because they don’t recognize it as being part of the body.
          defense against a pathogen. They are the cells that pro-
          duce long‐term immunity to diseases. For example, one
          type of lymphocyte will produce a receptor to detect  Digestive System
          antigens that are unique to a pathogen the body has
          dealt with before. That lymphocyte will stimulate another   The role of the digestive system is to take in food and
          type of lymphocyte to produce  antibodies against the   extract the nutrients to nourish the body and then elim-
          pathogen. These lymphocytes are very long lived and will   inate the waste or unusable remainder. In the animal
          take care of that pathogen at any time it enters the body.  kingdom, some animals have one‐compartment  stom-
            Another type of lymphocyte roams throughout the   achs called monogastric, or there are ruminant animals
          body and attacks non‐self cells like cancer and new path-  with four‐compartment  stomachs. Cats, dogs, pigs,
          ogens. If this occurs that lymphocyte will call for rein-  horses, and most pocket pets are monogastric. Cows,
          forcements and the different types of lymphocytes will   sheep, goats, deer, and camelids are ruminants.
          come to its aid. This lymphocyte can kill non‐self cells   The digestive system starts with the mouth and the
          and pathogens by releasing a chemical.             taking in of food or prehension. Every animal has some
            One way that innate and adaptive immune systems   teeth; Table 5.1 shows the dental makeup and number
          work together is by monocytes presenting antigens to   for each animal.
          lymphocytes.  Monocytes  phagocytize a  pathogen,    The teeth are used to break the food down into
          meaning they encircle and destroy it. In the process they   smaller parts. The tongue assists with keeping it in the
          take a piece of the pathogen, called an antigen, and   mouth and rolls the food around as it mixes with saliva.
          poke it through their cell wall. They then travel to the   The chewed food is swallowed and moves down the
          lymph nodes where the lymphocytes hang out, and a   esophagus to the stomach. In the monogastric stomach
          specific type of lymphocyte will intercept the monocyte,   the food is exposed to stomach acids that break it down
          take the antigen, and produce a receptor for that specific   further (Figure 5.15).
          antigen. This lymphocyte will then move into the body   Peristaltic waves move the material from the stomach
          looking for that pathogen. When it finds it, it will attach   into the small intestine where the nutrients are absorbed.
          to the pathogen and destroy it, or signal that it needs   The small intestine has three parts: the duodenum,
          help. More lymphocytes will converge on the area. Some   jejunum, and ileum. Finally, the undigestible material
          will replicate and produce more lymphocytes with that   continues to move into the colon or large intestine. The
          receptor  to kill more  of the  pathogen  and others  will   colon also has three parts: ascending, transverse, and
          produce lymphocytes that can produce antibodies for   descending colon. In the colon, water is removed and
          future use. These are the lymphocytes used to produce   feces formed. The feces move into the sigmoid flexure
          immunity against diseases by  vaccinations. A small   and finally into the rectum. The anal sphincters control
          amount of antigen for a specific disease is introduced to   the passage of feces into the environment which is called
          the  body. The lymphocytes  that  produce  antibodies   defecation or defecating.
          become involved in the destruction of the “pathogen.”  In ruminants, the chewed food goes to the  rumen
            Lymphocytes are produced in the bone marrow like   where it is exposed to bacteria to ferment the cellulose
          the other blood cells; however, they are released early in   in foliage to break it down, then it goes into the retic-
          their maturation which allows them to change or to rep-  ulum (Figure 5.16). The remaining solids are regurgi-
          licate themselves. They circulate in the bloodstream and   tated and chewed again, this is referred to as cud. The
          tissues, but most are sequestered in the lymph nodes.   finer food particles move into the omasum for further
          This allows large numbers to be deployed when needed.   processing. The final stop is in the abomasum or true
          There are thousands of lymph nodes throughout the   stomach where digestive enzymes breaks the food into its
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