Page 94 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 94

78    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          anchor point for the skull, thoracic cage, and the appen-  extend, contract, or retract to move a body part, and
          dicular skeleton. The vertebral column is divided into   then  relax so  the body part can  return to “normal.”
          five sections (Figure 5.7).                        Think about walking. It may not seem like a voluntary
            The cervical vertebrae make up the neck and have   movement, you just walk, right? Wrong, even if you are
          seven individual  bones including  the atlas which con-  not aware of it, when your leg starts the movement of a
          nects to the skull and the axis which connects to the atlas   step you have either consciously or subconsciously com-
          cranially and the third cervical vertebrae caudally   manded it to do so. Skeletal muscles are attached to
          (Figure 5.7). There are 13 thoracic vertebrae that span   bones by tendons.
          the length of the thoracic cage. Seven lumbar vertebrae   Smooth muscles are involuntary muscles that contract
          connect to the thoracic vertebrae at the thoracic–lumbar   and rest without conscious thought. This is stimulated by
          junction. This is often referred to as the TLJ when veter-  the autonomic nervous system. Smooth muscle lines
          inarians are asking for radiographs of that area. The   organs such as the gastrointestinal tract, to move food or
          next three vertebrae are fused together and make up the   waste through the digestive system. Muscles in the uterus
          sacral vertebrae or the sacrum. The last section is the   contract to expel a baby. There are muscles in the ure-
          coccygeal vertebrae; the number of these can vary   thra and bladder for the expulsion of urine. Blood ves-
          depending on whether the animal has a natural or sur-  sels are lined with muscles to help move the blood
          gical dock of the tail.                            through them and bronchi have muscles to pull air in
            The thoracic cage is made up of 13 pairs of ribs; one   and push it out of the lungs with the help of the
          attaches to each side of the thoracic vertebrae. Ribs 1–12   diaphragm.
          are held in place by the sternum, the last rib is called a   Cardiac muscle is also involuntary and is autorhyth-
          “floating” rib and only attaches at the vertebra. The   mic, which means it generates its own action potential.
          caudal end of the sternum is called the xiphoid process.   Once the muscle contraction starts it moves through the
          It is usually palpable and is a landmark for various proce-  organ without stopping. It is fueled by blood vessels that
          dures in surgery and radiography.                  bring in oxygen and nutrients and carry away waste prod-
            Diseases that can affect the skeletal system include   ucts generated by the contraction and relaxation of the
          arthritis, an inflammation of the joints which involves   muscle tissue. We will spend more time on the cardiac
          swelling and pain. Osteoarthritis is the degeneration of   muscle when we discuss the cardiovascular system.
          joint cartilage causing pain, stiffness, and sometimes the   Veterinary assistants need to know the names and
          growth of bone spurs. Vertebral disk disease can happen   locations of the skeletal muscles. These are the muscles
          at any time but like arthritis is often associated with age   that are used for locomotion and some of these are used
          deterioration. Cancer of the bone, or osteosarcoma, is   for injections  because  of their  size. It  is interesting  to
          seen frequently in older, large breed dogs. Bones can   note that the names of muscles on four‐legged and two‐
          have  congenital abnormalities, which include hip and   legged animals are very similar, and that includes peo-
          elbow  dysplasia, which are poorly formed hips and   ple! The size and length may be a bit different based
          elbows. A young animal may experience  panosteitis,   upon how the animal developed. Figure 5.9 shows a dog
          which is inflammation of the bones.  Osteochondritis   and Figure  5.10 a horse with the underlying muscles
          and osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) are developmental   outlined.
          diseases that occurs in large and giant breed puppies if   Muscles can be affected by disease and trauma. Myopathy
          not fed properly.                                  is a general term for muscle disease.  Polymyositis is an
                                                             inflammation of many muscles.  Degenerative myopathy
                                                             causes weakness in the affected muscles. More common
          Muscular System                                    occurrences of muscle trauma are strains where the muscle
                                                             is overstretched. Sprains occur when the ligament is over-
          Muscles are made up of bundles of fibers that are covered   stretched. Sometime these ligaments tear because a leg
          with a thin sheet of fibrous material called fascia. The   twists or bends wrongly. A common torn ligament seen in
          physiology of muscles is that they contract and relax   animals is the anterior cruciate ligament. Tendonitis is when
          from nerve impulses. This contraction and relaxation   the tendons have become inflamed from repetitive overuse.
          mechanism provides locomotion of the body itself.
          Muscles also work in other body functions; moving
          blood, food, air, and waste products through the body.   Cardiovascular System
          There are three types of muscles to assist in making these
          functions happen.                                  Analogy:
            Skeletal muscles are those attached to  bones. They   Think of the cardiovascular system as a highway system that
          are voluntary muscles which means an animal has to   serves a major city. The “heart” of any town is the downtown
          “command” the muscle to contract and relax via the   area, it is connected to the suburbs by high speed roads called
          central nervous system. Skeletal muscles contract to lift,   “arteries” and slower, smaller “veins” called streets. Arteries are
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