Page 91 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Chapter 5  Anatomy and Physiology    75

               Learning Exercise                                    Simple squamous epithelium

               Practice directional terms by finding pictures on
               the internet of an animal standing, lying down,
               and sitting. It can be a bit challenging when the
               animal is not in a standing position!

                                                                    Simple cuboidal epithelium
             Body Systems

             The body is made up of 11 systems: skeletal, muscular,
             integumentary, nervous, cardiovascular, pulmonary
             (respiratory), immune, digestive, urinary, reproductive,
             and endocrine. But first a brief discussion about the   Simple columnar epithelium
             molecular level of the body. The body is composed of
             cells that combine to make the larger structures. Cells
             are made up of a nucleus to control the activity of the
             cell. Cytoplasm encircles the nucleus and is made up of
             fine fibers and organelles that take care of energy pro-
             duction and waste elimination for the cell. The cell itself
             is surrounded by a membrane or cell wall that protects
             the integrity of the cell. Cells can be single entities like
             blood cells that make up the body’s immune system,
             which we will discuss later, or they combine to make up
             the tissues in the body. There are four types of tissues
             that make up the body structures.                  FIGURE 5.3  Epithelial cells. Adapted from Wikimedia Commons.

               Learning Exercise                                   Nervous tissue is made up of neurons that conduct
                                                                messages throughout the body.
               For the following body systems find pictures of the   Histology is the study of tissues. A veterinarian will
               structures without labels and practice naming the   take tissue samples and examine them under a micro-
               parts. Make flash cards of the diseases on one   scope to determine if the tissues are diseased. If unsure
               side, the organ it affects and what the causative   of the diagnosis, they may send these samples to a diag-
               agent is for that disease.                       nostic laboratory for examination by veterinary patholo-
                                                                gists. These are veterinarians that have specialized in
                                                                finding the cause of diseases.
               Epithelial tissues are composed of cells that line or   As previously mentioned, the body is made up of 11
             cover the body and its organs. There are three types:   systems. Let’s look at each system individually.
             squamous, cuboidal, and columnar (Figure 5.3). These
             are further differentiated to accommodate the function
             of the various organs, but that is beyond what you need  Skeletal System
             to know.
               Connective tissue is made up of cells and a matrix that   The skeletal system provides the framework, support,
             provide  structure  to  the  body.  There  are  two  different   and protection for the body and is made up of bones.
             types of cells: fibroblasts (or fibrocytes) include cells that   Bones are produced by cells called osteoclasts, the bone
             make up bone, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and blood;   cell itself is called an osteocyte, and new bone cells are
             adipocytes make up the adipose tissue also known as fat.   produced by osteoblasts. Bones have an inner cavity
             The matrix itself can be fluid, semi‐fluid, gelatinous, or   called the endosteum that contains the bone marrow
             ground substance, and protein fibers known as collagen.  where blood cell production takes place. The outer cov-
               Muscle  tissue  is  made  up  of  cells  that  are  bound   ering of bone is called the periosteum. All the bones
             together in sheets and fibers. There are three types of   combined make up the skeletal system. It is divided into
             muscle tissue: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth.      two parts: the appendicular skeleton are the bones of the
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