Page 102 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 102

86    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

               TABLE 5.2
            Number of Offspring and Gestation Periods of Animals
            Animal                               Offspring (no.)                              Gestation period
            Dog                                  Small 1–4                                    58–68 days
                                                 Medium 4–6                                   63 average
                                                 Large 8–12
            Cat                                  3–5 average                                  63–69 days
                                                 8+ often
            Horse                                1 rarely 2                                   340 days
            Cow                                  1 rarely 2                                   279–287 days
                                                                                              283 average
            Sheep                                1, often 2                                   150 days
            Goat                                 1, 2, or 3 are common                        145–154 days
                                                                                              150 average
            Pig                                  8–12 average                                 114 days
            Rabbit                               1–14                                         29–35 days
                                                 6 average                                    30 average
            Ferret                               1–6                                          35–45 days
            Guinea pig                           1–8                                          59–73 days
                                                 2–4 average                                  63 average
            Hamster                              6–12 average                                 16 days
            Rat                                  10–12 average                                21–23 days


                                                                   Pituitary gland
                                              Spinal column

          FIGURE 5.22  Brain. Adapted from Wikimedia Commons.

          and carries away waste material. The amount of time it   seen immediately. Often dystocia leads to a cesarean section
          takes for a fetus to mature enough to sustain life inde-  or surgical removal of the fetus. If a cesarean section or
          pendently of its mother is called the gestation period.   c‐section is required a full team will be assembled to take
          Gestation periods vary widely between species. See   care of the infants as they are removed. They are often
          Table 5.2 for the gestation periods and number of off-  groggy from the anesthetic the mother is under and
          spring for companion animals, pocket pets, and     need to be stimulated to breathe. A brisk rubbing of the
          livestock.                                         body and a little upside‐down hold to drain fluids is
            Parturition, or giving birth, occurs at full term and   sometimes necessary.
          begins with muscular contraction of the uterus. If the
          species delivers more than one baby a short rest between
          deliveries is normal.  Dystocia is when an animal has  Nervous System
          trouble and cannot deliver on its own or there is an
          extended period between births with straining but no   If the circulatory system is a major city’s highway, think of
          results. Dystocia is an emergency and the animal must be   the nervous system as the phone and internet network.
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