Page 103 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 103

Chapter 5  Anatomy and Physiology    87




                                              Electrical Impulses



             FIGURE 5.23  Neurons and synapses. Source: Public

             The  central nervous system (CNS) is made up of the   running the animal’s body keeping everything going at a
             brain and spinal column (Figure 5.22).             normal pace. Normal heart beat and breathing, muscles
               The brain is made up of the cerebrum, cerebellum,   moving when told, digestion working properly, and so
             and the brainstem. The cerebrum, the largest portion of   on. However, life isn’t always normal!
             the brain, is responsible for the higher functions which
             include the senses, movement, and learning. The cere-  Think of a mouse minding its own business searching for food.
             bellum is smaller and coordinates muscle movement,   When suddenly a big cat pounces. Without thinking, the mouse
             posture, and balance. The brainstem is the relay center   jumps away, running at full speed, trying to get away. If caught
             connecting the other two parts to the spinal cord. It is   or cornered, it would fight by biting and screeching at the cat.
             responsible  for  the  body  functions  of  heart  rate,
             breathing,  digestion,  body  temperature  regulation,   The mouse has demonstrated the  sympathetic ner-
             wake–sleep cycles, swallowing, coughing, vomiting, and   vous system taking over as it responds to the stress of
             so on. Deep underneath the cerebrum is the hypothal-  almost being eaten. This is called the fight or flight
             amus which is home to part of the nervous system called   response. The heart is stimulated to beat faster, breathing
             the autonomous nervous system (ANS) which responds   speeds up, and the body gears up for a flight or fight in
             in times of stress. The ANS has two systems of its own.   a blink, no need for thought or decision. If the mouse
             Most of the time the parasympathetic nervous system is   gets away it would probably find a safe spot to calm down,
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