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84    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          The liver’s main function is to filter toxins from the                Posterior aorta
          blood,  metabolize  drugs,  and  produce  bile  which  is             and vena cava
          stored in the gallbladder. The bile is used in the diges-      Adrenal gland
          tion of fats. The pancreas produces digestive enzymes
          which are excreted into the duodenum. It also secrets
          insulin which breaks down sugars.                    Renal                                  Kidney
            Diseases that affect the gastrointestinal system often   pelvis
          cause  vomiting  and/or  diarrhea.  There  are  many  rea-
          sons for vomiting and diarrhea including stress, dietary                                Renal artery
          indiscretion, bacterial toxins, or foreign bodies blocking   Ureter                     and vein
          part or all the digestive tract. Gastric dilation volvulus
          (GDV), also known as bloat, is the dilation or expansion
          and twisting of the stomach. The stomach fills with gas or                                 Bladder
          too much food which causes it to expand and then twist,
          or flip over. This twisting blocks the passage of food cuts
          off the blood supply causing necrosis and, if not caught                         Urethra
          and treated early, death. Gastritis means an inflamma-
          tion of the stomach and is usually brought on by eating   FIGURE 5.18  Urinary system. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Used
          inappropriate food. Ileus is the paralysis or cessation of   under CC BY‐SA 3.0,
          normal intestinal movement.  Irritable bowel disease   File:Bladder_stone_ruler.jpg.
          (IBD) is a condition where the intestines are overly
          sensitive to food and/or stress. Pancreatitis is inflamma-
          tion of pancreas brought on by ingesting rich or highly
          salty food like ham.  Parasites can cause diarrhea and
          vomiting if the adult worm load is high. Parvovirus will
          also cause extremely watery and bloody diarrhea.
            Fecal samples are tested for parasites in order to
          find the causative agent. Radiographs of the abdomen
          may  be  ordered  to  check  for  a  blockage.  This  will
          often involve giving the animal a contrast medium to
          make items visible. Endoscopy can also be utilized to
          directly visualize the interior of the gastrointestinal
          tract. Ultrasound can be used to indirectly visualize
          structures in the abdominal cavity such as the liver and

                                                             FIGURE 5.19  Urolith.
          Urinary System
                                                             from toxic overload or poisoning. The bladder can also
          The job of the urinary system is to filter the blood of   become  diseased.  Incontinence  is  the  failure  to  hold
          waste products and maintain the balance of water in the   urine. This can be caused by hormonal changes, often
          blood. The main organs are two kidneys, one on each   seen in older unspayed female dogs, structure, or muscle
          side of the spinal column on the cranial end of the   weakness.  Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD)
          abdominal cavity (Figure 5.18). The kidney is made up   symptoms include frequent trips to the litter box with or
          of millions of nephrons which filter the blood as it flows   without urine being expelled, straining to urinate, or
          through the kidney producing urine. Urine flows out of   bloody urine. It can be caused by several factors: block-
          the kidney through a tube called a ureter which ends at   age of the urethra with crystals, bacterial infections, ana-
          the  bladder. The bladder is a hollow organ that can   tomic defects, tumors, or idiopathic cystitis. FLUTD can
          expand to accommodate the urine. The bladder has a   lead to blockage of the urethra and is considered a med-
          sphincter that controls when it releases the urine to the   ical emergency. The urine continues to be produced by
          outside through the urethra. This is called urinating or   the kidney and can eventually backup into the kidney
          micturition.                                       causing the animal to become toxic because the kidneys
            Diseases that effect the kidney are seen more often as   cannot  work  properly.  Urinary  tract  infections  (UTIs)
          the animal ages. Chronic renal failure is when the kidney   are usually caused by a bacterial infection and can hap-
          can no longer filter properly or regulate the amount of   pen to both cats and dogs. Uroliths or bladder stones
          fluids in the blood. Acute renal failure is a sudden onset   can form and cause bloody urine, straining to urinate,
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