Page 107 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 107


             Introduction to Animals

                              LEARNING OBJECTIVES
                              • Demonstrate the scientific classification of animals
                              • Describe how genetics influences the offspring of animals
                              • Recognize the most common types of dogs, cats, and pocket pets
                              • Determine the sex of dogs, cats, and pocket pets

                              IV.  Examination Room Procedures
                              B.  Basic procedures
                                 4.  Recognize AKC dog breeds and CFA cat breeds
                                 5.  Be able to identify the gender of small animal species,
                                    particularly felines

             Scientific Classification                          and bacteria. (Viruses and prions cause disease but they
             of Animals                                         do  not  meet the criteria to be considered living.) Each
                                                                kingdom is further divided until each organism is classified
                                                                by genus, then species, and finally by breed or variety. The
             The Linnaean System of Classifications is a  cladistics   classifications groupings are as follows:
             system, based on evolutionary differences in the genomes.   Kingdom
             Originally, it classified animals by the way they moved.
             Refinements were made with the discovery of more     Phylum
             species and recognition of evolutionary classifications.      Class
             Developments in sequencing  deoxyribonucleic acid       Order
             (DNA) has led to further refinement of this system.       Family
               Scientific classification groups life forms into increas-        Genus
             ingly smaller groups based on increasingly similar charac-         Species
             teristics. Classification and scientific names were developed           Breed or variety
             to make it easier to describe and provide specific
             information about an animal. All living things are divided   In veterinary medicine you may see the scientific
             into six kingdoms: animals, plants, fungi, protozoa, archaea,   name of animals being used. This includes the genus

             Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant, Fourth Edition. Teresa F. Sonsthagen.
             © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
             Companion website:                                              91
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