Page 122 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 122

106    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

                           (a)                             (b)

          FIGURE 6.17  Mongolian gerbil: (a) natural color and (b) manmade black. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Used under CC‐BY‐SA 4.0, https://

                           (a)                        (b)

          FIGURE 6.18  Hamster: (a) Golden and (b) Teddy Bear. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Used under CC BY‐SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.

          skin disease. Chinchillas can develop bacterial infections   over 10 lb (Figure 6.21). Rabbits are also hardy and do
          but if the cage is kept clean the chance of this is greatly   well indoors or out. If kept outside, it is important to
          reduced. The natural color is grey with a white belly, but   keep their drinking water clean and plentiful. On a
          silver, black, violet, beige, white, sapphire, and ebony are a   hot day it is not unheard of that one rabbit will drink
          few of the color mutations developed by humans.    a gallon or more of water! Long toenails are often a
                                                             reason for a trip to the veterinary clinic. They get
          Rabbits                                            caught on fencing and get ripped off. This is urgent
                                                             but not an emergency although they do bleed a lot!
          Rabbits have been raised for meat, fur, and exhibition   Another reason for a clinic visit is ear mites, a small
          for centuries. The American Rabbit Breeders Association   parasite that causes extreme itchiness and sores. If
          recognizes 49 breeds of rabbits. All rabbit breeds can be   not breeding the rabbits it is a good idea to get them
          used for all three purposes, although raising them for   spayed and/or neutered which can reduce the
          exhibition is more popular than the other two. Rabbits   number of fights but does not guarantee it! Stitching
          come in three size ranges: miniatures or dwarfs at   up the loser of these fights is another reason you will
          2.5–4 lb, standards at 8–10 lb, and giants are any breed   see a bunny at the clinic.
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