Page 124 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 124

108    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          (a)                                                                (b)

          FIGURE 6.20  Chinchilla: (a) natural grey and (b) silver. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Used under CC BY‐SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.

          (a)                                              (d)

          (b)                   (c)

          FIGURE 6.21  Rabbit breeds: (a) Rex, (b) Mini Lop, (c) English Angora, and (d) Flemish Giant next to Shetland Sheepdog. Source: Wikimedia
          Commons. Used under CC BY 2.0,;
          File:Runt_and_Paxie.jpg;; https://

          the penis protrude with gentle backward pull on the pre-  fingers and then place the thumb just below the anus.
          puce (Figure 6.23). The penis is cone‐shaped and will   Pull the tail back, towards the spine gently but firmly
          have backward facing penile spines at the base. Of   and simultaneously press down with the thumb. This
          course, at maturity the males will have testicles that are   digital pressure will make the genitalia protrude. Males
          situated above the prepuce but if the cat is neutered they   will have a tubular penis with a definite opening on the
          will not be apparent!                              tip. Females will show a vertical slit and very little protru-
            Rabbits are sometimes difficult to sex because their   sion even if more pressure is applied with the thumb
          genitals are similarly located and are tucked into the   (Figure  6.24). See https://www.raising‐
          anal crevice so they are barely visible. To determine the   sexing‐rabbits.html for a great website with photos on
          difference, scissor the tail between your index and middle   sexing rabbits.
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