Page 128 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 128

112    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          Appropriate nutrition for any animal is composed of   While all these nutrients are required, they are not
          the essential components that make up a healthy diet.   required in equal amounts. Water is required in the
          The availability and demand for these nutrients depends   greatest quantity. An animal can go without eating for 2
          on three factors: the ecological niche of the animal,   weeks without serious damage to the body but it can only
          the animal’s metabolism, and the amount of stress the   live for 3 days without water. Water is essential for trans-
          animal is undergoing at any one time.              porting the molecules, is a component in most chemical
            The ecological niche is determined by the forage and   reactions in the body, and acts as a solvent for other mol-
          feed available and the anatomic and physiologic adapta-  ecules. Absence of adequate water in the body is called
          tions  of the  animal to  utilize the  food  as well as  the   dehydration. Without water the kidneys do not filter well
          resources and competitors in the environment. For   and toxins build up creating damage to other organs.
          example,  herbivores or grazing animals like cattle,   Eventually, the kidneys will shut down entirely and it is
          sheep, and goats have adapted their digestive systems to   just a matter of hours before full organ failure follows.
          deal with the low nutritional value of grass on which they
          feed.  Ruminants  have four‐compartment  stomachs.
          Horses have large cecums where the breakdown of the
          cellulose in plants occurs making them herbivores too.   Learning Exercise
          Other animals have adapted monogastric stomachs and   Utilize the internet to find the daily water require-
          the dental formations to handle the types of foods to   ments for dogs, cats, horses, cows, sheep, goats,
          which they have access. For example,  carnivores like   pigs, rabbits, and the pocket pets. Draw up a ta-
          cats, dogs, and ferrets have large canine teeth with which   ble to keep as a reference point.
          to tear meat from bones. Pigs and chickens are adapted
          to gaining their nutrition from both plants and meat;
          they are omnivores.
            Metabolism is the process by which an animal processes   Energy production requires three sources of nutri-
          food  into  energy  to  run  the  cellular  processes,  the   ents; carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These are mea-
          conversion of nutrition into building blocks such as pro-  sured in calories. Calories from food provide energy in
          teins, fats, acids, and carbohydrates, and the elimination of   the form of heat so the bodily functions can be carried
          waste. In the animal world, the smaller the body the higher   out. Carbohydrates and proteins produce 4 kilocalories
          the metabolic rate. Metabolism in all animals changes as   per of energy per gram. Fat produces 9 kilocalories per
          the animal ages. Younger animals have higher metabolic   gram. Even though carbohydrates and proteins are equal
          rates and different nutritional requirements from adults.   in kilocalories, they are not equal in metabolism.
          As they mature, adults will require different nutrition to   Carbohydrates are quickly digested and absorbed, cre-
          compensate for a slowing down of their metabolism.  ating almost instant energy. If the body doesn’t need that
            Stress will also change the nutritional requirements of   energy right away it is converted to fat and stored in fat
          an animal. This includes work performed, environment   cells and as glycogen that is stored in the liver and
          in which it is performed, lactation, growth, changes in   muscle. Carbohydrates come from anything that grows
          environment, and states of health. For example, a horse   in the ground: grass, vegetables, grains (corn, wheat,
          that does endurance racing will need more water, carbo-  millet, oats), rice, and trees. If carbohydrates are not
          hydrates, and proteins to fuel its body than a horse that   available, the body will use protein and fat for energy.
          stands in a pen and is only ridden on the occasional   Protein takes longer to be broken down and absorbed
          weekend. An animal that is ill has different nutritional   but will provide energy for 2–4 hours; it is used until
          needs from a healthy animal.                       gone. This is the difference between the instant energy
                                                             carbohydrates provides and the long‐term energy pro-
                                                             tein provides. Protein is essential in the diet because the
          Essential Nutrients –                              body is virtually made of protein. Protein makes enzymes
                                                             that power the chemical reactions in the body such as
          The Basics                                         hemoglobin which carries oxygen in the blood. Protein
                                                             comes from 20 amino acids, not all of which are essential
          Nutrients are absorbed from the food an animal ingests   to every species. One such amino acid is taurine which is
          in the gastrointestinal tract. Enzymes and bacteria break   essential for cats and is only available from meat. L‐carni-
          down large molecules of food into simple molecules so   tine is produced from the amino acids lysine and methi-
          that these can be absorbed through the intestinal wall.   onine, and has a role in the production of energy by
          The simple molecules are water, carbohydrates, proteins,   transporting fatty acids into cell mitochondria. This
          fats, minerals, and vitamins. These molecules are picked   burns these fats within the cell to create usable energy.
          up by the capillaries in the intestinal wall and are carried   Bodies do not store amino acids and so they must be
          through the body to maintain body functions.       consumed for use. Proteins are found in meat; beef,
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