Page 17 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 17


             Professional Conduct

             and Foundation Skills

                              LEARNING OBJECTIVES
                              • Determining your role in a veterinary practice
                              • Meeting employer expectations, mastering 10 professional behaviors
                              • Develop a professional appearance
                              • Utilize effective communication skills – verbal, written, computer,
                                social media, and credible web resources
                              • Anticipate work flow
                              • Application of ethics in the veterinary practice
                              • Understand the human–animal bond
                              • Understand and recognize the grief process
                              • Master foundation skills:
                                • Veterinary practice math
                                • Medical terminology

                              NAVTA GUIDELINES COVERED IN THIS CHAPTER
                              I.  Office and Hospital Procedures
                              A.  Front desk
                                 8.  Demonstrate elementary computer skills
                                 9.  Utilize basic medical terminology and abbreviations

             Determining Your Role                              “in‐house” or in a facility. A clinic is where patients are
             in a Veterinary Practice                           seen and sent home to recover or are sent to a hospital
                                                                for more intensive care. In veterinary practice, the words
                                                                “hospital” and “clinic” are used interchangeably, as both
             A veterinary practice may be conducted in a hospital or   will admit critical patients into their facility for intensive
             a clinic. In human medicine there is a distinct difference.   care. However, some cities have access to a relatively new
             Hospitals are where patients are treated and cared for   type of veterinary practice that does nothing but intensive

             Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant, Fourth Edition. Teresa F. Sonsthagen.
             © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
             Companion website:                                               1
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