Page 20 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 20

4    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          Meeting Employer                                   Scenario: Punctuality and Presence

          Expectations – 10 Behaviors                        Stew walks in the door right at 8 a.m. or is 5–10 minutes late
          to Master                                          every morning. He always has an excuse, from traffic jams to his
                                                             dog running off or his alarm not ringing. When he is finally
                                                             punched in he is often on his cell phone; arguing with his girl-
          Employers in all professions demand behaviors that   friend or checking his text or email, which also occurs every chance
          reflect competent knowledge and good attitudes and   he gets throughout the day. The other staff members often must ask
          veterinary medicine is no exception. This section intro­  twice for help or nudge him into action because he is on his phone.
          duces the veterinary assistant to the professional behav­  He complains to anyone that will listen to him about his car,
          iors specific for success within a veterinary practice.   roommate, or girlfriend. He is often moody and tired because he
          Whether you are a veterinary associate or a kennel   has stayed up too late playing the latest computer game, which he
          assistant, all employers have basic expectations of every   goes into detail about every chance he gets. Meanwhile, Connie
          employee. The following are 10 behaviors to master in   arrives at work by 7.50 a.m. every morning, works with a smile,
          order to meet these expectations:                  chats when appropriate but is often on the move all the time. If she
                                                             isn’t helping someone directly she is cleaning something. The only
           1.  Punctuality                                   time you see her on her phone is during breaks and lunch. She
           2.  Presence                                      does use her phone as a timer for vital signs and as a calculator
           3.  Flexibility                                   as needed, but that is all during working times.
           4.  Cooperation                                     At the end of the shift an invitation is made to gather at a
           5.  Following directions                          local coffee shop. Stew readily accepts, but Connie declines.
           6.  Working independently                         When asked why, she states that her mother is in the hospital
           7.  Honesty                                       critically ill and she needs to be with her. No one knew!
           8.  Problem solving
           9.  Loyalty
              •  Adherence to the policies and procedures of the   Information Check
          10.  Commitment                                      and Reflection
              •  To customer satisfaction and product quality
              •  To client–patient confidentiality             •  Describe how Stew’s attitude, presence, and punc-
              •  To learn now and for a lifetime                 tuality would wear on the morale in the clinic.
              •  To take, then act upon constructive criticism   •  How do you think Connie keeps so focused at
               without anger or defensiveness.                   work, especially with a critically ill mother?
                                                               •  What two behaviors is Connie demonstrating?
            Punctuality, without excuses. Clients are scheduled   •  Reflect on how you would plan on being at
          to arrive at the clinic at specific times to facilitate see­  work on time and how can you stay in the pre-
          ing their pet, determining a course of action, and     sent when life is tough outside of work.
          treating the pet. If the clinic’s personnel are late get­
          ting to work, it can have catastrophic effects for the
          rest of the day. If your shift starts at 8 a.m. you should   Flexibility and cooperation are vital in keeping the work­
          plan on arriving 5–10 minutes early. This allows you to   flow going throughout the day. The veterinary assistant
          put your personal belongings away, stow your lunch,   may be asked to assist with anesthetizing a patient one
          make sure you have a pen, leash, roll of tape, and   moment and to gather a patient in the reception area
          scissors in your pocket, and with name tag in place   the next. You are the extra pair of hands often desper­
          punch in on time. Walking in the door at 8 a.m. means   ately needed in the veterinary clinic. Doing all tasks
          you have arrived late!                             asked of you willingly and competently builds trust in
            Presence, when you are at work you must concentrate   your abilities. This is not only expected, but also appreci­
          on work! Whatever is going on in your personal life needs   ated by everyone in the clinic.
          to be checked at the door of the clinic. Your employer   The same is true for working with others in a clinic. It is
          may care about you, but still expects you to do the job   so important to work well with everyone. Cooperation is a
          you are being paid to perform every day for the times you   valuable behavior, which can be tough sometimes because
          are scheduled to work. Life is hard, but it gets a lot harder   each person will often have their own style of accomplish­
          if you are dismissed from your job because your personal   ing the same tasks. This makes it difficult sometimes, but it
          life is getting in the way of performing your duties.  is important to go with the flow and provide the best help
            Both punctuality and presence can be a morale    you can when taking care of patients. Learn how each vet­
          buster in a clinic. The following scenario demonstrates   erinarian and veterinary technician likes to accomplish
          two divergent behaviors regarding punctuality and   tasks and be a step ahead of them when setting up or be
          presence.                                          thinking about what they may ask you to do.
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