Page 18 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 18

2    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          and emergency care. Patients are transferred to these   medicine, or perform surgery. Veterinary technicians
          facilities for around the clock care, thereby freeing gen­  are educated to perform the same tasks as human nurses,
          eral clinic and hospital practices to focus on general   surgery technicians/nurses,  anesthetic  nurses, labora­
          care. What this means is that whatever the type of clinic   tory, dental, and radiology technicians on animals in a
          or hospital, it requires staffing. Let’s discuss the staffing   veterinary practice. In addition, they play an integral
          required in a veterinary practice.                 part in client education and communication.
            A veterinary practice consists of many staff members. It   There are several ways to become a veterinary techni­
          takes the specialized skills of each to provide the compe­  cian. One way is to attend an AVMA accredited veterinary
          tent care that pet owners expect for their pets. The veteri­  technology program. This is a program that has met strin­
          nary assistant is just one member of the veterinary team.   gent guidelines for didactic and medical skills training.
          Synchronization of their duties with those of other mem­  Most programs offer an Associate degree that can take
          bers of this specialized team requires an awareness of the   from two to three years to complete and is offered in
          responsibilities of each. Understanding how the assistant   community, technical, or private colleges. There are also
          fits into the complex pattern is crucial to successful   several bachelor’s degree veterinary technologist pro­
          coordination of patient care and implementation.   grams across the USA that are offered in public and
            Every practice requires at least one veterinarian. This   private colleges and universities. This may seem like over­
          person can either be the owner of the practice or an   kill; however, if you change your mind about working in a
          employee. To become a veterinarian one must complete   veterinary practice a bachelor’s degree opens the door to
          an undergraduate course at a college or university. It usu­  jobs within industry, business, research, and government.
          ally takes four years to complete the undergrad require­  Another path to becoming a veterinary technician is to
          ments, with most receiving a bachelor’s degree in the   enroll in an AVMA accredited online program. You can
          subject of their choice. Then students must be accepted   work at your own pace and utilize a veterinary practice as
          at a college of veterinary medicine which is another four   your training facility. Once a person has graduated from
          years of education to receive either a Doctor of Veterinary   an accredited program most states require the graduate
          Medicine (DVM) or a Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris   to sit for a credentialing exam, the Veterinary Technician
          (VMD) depending on the college of veterinary medicine   National Exam (VTNE), administered by the American
          attended. In order to practice veterinary medicine, new   Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB), and is
          graduates must pass a licensing exam for each state in   recorded by a state veterinary medical board. A few states
          which they wish to practice. Without this they cannot   offer voluntary credentialing which is recorded by either
          practice in a state even with a degree in hand! Some vet­  the state veterinary technician association or the veteri­
          erinarians chose to specialize in a specific area of veteri­  nary medical association. There are also some states that
          nary medicine which involves additional years of study   don’t  require  any  sort  of  credentialing.  The  credential
          and another round of exams administered by an organi­  designation  also  depends  upon  the  state.  Those  states
          zation dedicated solely to that field of study. For example,   that recognize veterinary technicians that have passed the
          a DVM interested in ophthalmology does everything   VTNE grant them the designation of Certified, Registered,
          required by the College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists   or Licensed Veterinary Technicians. This creates much
          and passes their exam to become a Diplomat in Veterinary   confusion especially as all states that offer credentialing
          Ophthalmology. But the learning still isn’t finished! The   utilize the VTNE offered by the AAVSB. To address this
          state the veterinarian is practicing in, and if specialized   confusion the National Association of Veterinary
          the “College,” requires several hours of continuing edu­  Technicians in America (NAVTA) has initiated a move to
          cation per year to maintain their license to practice in   have all states recognize veterinary technicians and tech­
          that state and their diplomat status as a specialist.  nologists as Registered Veterinary Nurses. It is hoped that
            The role of a veterinarian in practice is generally one   with this change in terminology the confusion when
          that provides a diagnosis, prognoses, prescribes treat­  moving from state to state will disappear and the public
          ments and medications, and performs surgery on ani­  will more readily recognize the role that the veterinary
          mals. The mission of the American Veterinary Medical   nurse plays in a veterinary practice.
          Association (AVMA) is to lead the profession by advo­  NAVTA  offers  specialty  recognition  to those  techni­
          cating for its members and advancing the science and   cians that are interested in various areas of practice, usu­
          practice of veterinary medicine to improve animal and   ally within veterinary specialty practices. There are
          human health. It provides a Model Veterinary Practice   currently 16 Academies that offer training and testing
          Act that succinctly spells out the duties performed by a   for technicians that are interested in obtaining a spe­
          licensed veterinarian. In addition, the veterinarian is held   cialty designation.
          legally responsible for the safety of all employees and all   Veterinary technicians are often included in state prac­
          actions of each employee within the practice. The final   tice acts. The AVMA has included veterinary technicians/
          word on the treatment of a patient is the veterinarian’s.  technologists in their Model Veterinary Practice Act.
            According to the AVMA Model Veterinary Practice    Veterinary assistants are important members of the veteri­
          Act, technicians cannot diagnose, prognose, prescribe   nary practice team. They are often the “right hand person”
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