Page 184 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 184

168    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

                                  8.  Perform therapeutic bathing, basic grooming, and dipping of
                                     small animals
                                 12.  Demonstrate an understanding of euthanasia and post mortem
                                 13.  Capillary refill time and normal mucous membrane evaluation
                              VII. Laboratory Procedures
                              A.  Assistance in the laboratory
                                  1.  Collect voided urine samples
                                  5.  Collect voided fecal samples for examination
                                  9.  Handle disposal of deceased animals

          Depending on your hospital or clinic you may be taking   clinics use a rubber mat with holes for drainage as the
          care of pets that are boarding, recovering from surgery,   resting area. A towel can be laid over the mat but if the
          or are sick and may be contagious. Each one of these   patient is incontinent or tears or chews at the bedding
          need a little bit of tender loving care and appropriately   just the rubber mat is provided.
          sized accommodations  to their respective needs.     Water is the next priority and it should always be avail-
          Remember, these are beloved pets and they get lonely,   able, unless otherwise directed. Always place the water
          spending a few minutes talking to them and giving them   dish in a spot to avoid it being tipped over easily. Check
          a few pats as you move through the room will be of com-  on patients throughout the day to make sure they all
          fort to them. Above all though, they need a clean, stress   have water and that none are sitting in a wet or soiled
          free environment in which to live and heal. A vital job for   cage. If found, clean it out and resettle the patient imme-
          the assistant will be to ensure these requirements are   diately. A wet patient is a sad and potentially unhealthy
          met.                                               patient.

          Housing Requirements –                               Reflection
          Kennel Set‐up                                        Determine how you will set up a kennel or run for
                                                               a patient. What comfort measures can be taken
                                                               to ensure a comfortable and sanitary kennel or
          Kennels and runs should always be ready to receive a   run?
          patient. The basic set‐up is clean newspapers on the bot-
          tom of the cage, an empty cage card, and ID collar inside
          the kennel. The newspaper is good for soaking up spills
          and containing debris. It is also good for dust collection   Water and Food
          for cages that may not be used very often because of size
          or position in the room. The newspaper can be folded  Consumption – Elimination
          up to capture the dust or debris from the pet and dis-
          posed of in the garbage. This would be appropriate for   The consumption of water can be tricky to determine
          recycling.                                         unless you are paying attention to the amounts given.
            When a patient is admitted to the hospital there are   This is especially important with cats as they are not great
          some considerations to take into account. The selection   drinkers in the first place and when stressed are even
          of a kennel or a run will depend on the size of the   more apt to not drink. Measuring the water presented
          patient. It must be large enough for the patient to stand,   and when being  replenished  may be asked  of you  for
          move, and turn around easily. They should not have to   some patients. Making note of the amount of water con-
          negotiate around food and water dishes when shifting   sumed in the record is very important with these patients.
          positions. Metal cages tend to be cold so a layer of news-  Be  conscious  of  the  amount  of  water  available.  If  you
          paper covered with a towel or blanket is often required.   arrive in the morning to an empty bowl, which has not
          Clean, soft, dry bedding large enough for an animal to   been dumped, perhaps a bigger bowl is in order to last
          stretch out on comfortably should be provided for each   the night. Alert the veterinarian if water is being con-
          patient. Many will enjoy burrowing into the blanket for   sumed in larger amounts than normal for that sized pet.
          warmth  and  comfort.  Instead  of  the  newspaper  some   There  may be a  medical issue  that has  not been
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