Page 198 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 198
182 Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant
the wash cloth. Use the wash cloth to clean the face, Dipping is often a treatment option for the parasites
being very careful to not get shampoo into the eyes. and diseases discussed earlier. Accurate preparation of
Rinse the wash cloth thoroughly and then wipe the face the medication is very important. Dilution factors and
again to clear the face of shampoo. You may have to application instructions will be on the container. Read
repeat this step to remove all of the shampoo. Once these very carefully and follow the directions accurately.
every part of the body is shampooed use the spray hose PPE needed includes goggles, waterproof gloves, and
to rinse thoroughly, again remembering to spray the first apron. Once the dipping agent is mixed up, prepare the
bit into the tub as it will be cold. Rinse, rinse, rinse! It is area for the animal. Assemble the tub as explained for
very important to get all the soap out of the coat! Be bathing. Gather at least 2–4 towels, a wash cloth, cotton
extra careful not to get water in the ears – the cotton balls, timer, and artificial tears ointment. Bring your
balls will help – or to run water over the head. This is patient to the tub, double checking that you have the
very disturbing for dogs and cats. Dogs will shake their right patient, and place the cotton balls in the ears and
heads and then their bodies spraying water everywhere the eye ointment in the eyes. Apply the dip per the direc-
and cats will try to escape! If a cream rinse is prescribed tions, use the wash cloth to apply dip to the face, being
apply according to directions and then rinse thoroughly careful not to get it in the eyes or ears. Most dip prepara-
once more. tions will have you leave the medication on, but you can
When finished rinsing, squeeze the water out of the towel dry the patient and ask about using the cage dryer
coat with your hands, working from the neck along the or hairdryer. Some preparations will want the patient to
back and then down all four legs and the tail. Remove air dry. After they are dry use a brush to smooth out the
the cotton balls from the ears. Towel the patient dry with coat, and mark the patient’s file and treatment board
one towel and, if necessary, use the second towel to get as that the bath was completed.
much water as possible out of the coat. Bring the remain- Return to the tub, rinse the hair to the strainer then
ing towels along as you move the patient back to the clean it out with a paper towel. Spray disinfectant spray
ward. Put dry towels down on the kennel floor and if in the tub, wait the contact time dictated by the disinfec-
available a porous mat or rack to keep them out of the tant and then rinse or allow to air dry. Replace the top
wet is also put down. Some clinics will have cage dryers and if used disinfect that. Sweep and mop around the
that hook onto the doors of the cage; if so, set them on tub. Disinfect the brushes, put the dryer away, and take
low. These work but the patient doesn’t dry on the ven- the towels to the laundry. Start a load if you can, set a
tral side and you must check frequently for how warm timer on your watch to check on the laundry so you can
they are, as some can get quite hot and cause the patient keep it going.
great discomfort. They are also very loud, and some
patients get very scared. Check on animals every 10 min-
utes, making sure they have a full water dish as the dryers
can cause them to become dehydrated. Reflection
The use of a human hairdryer works well to dry the
entire patient. You can dry the patient in the drained Think of possible ways a patient can get hurt
tub, to avoid electrocution, or set them on the floor and while getting a bath or being dipped. How can
replace the top grate or panel, then place the pet on top you prevent these injuries?
of the treatment table to dry them. Again, be very careful
not to use the hot setting as this can dry the patient’s skin
out, a low–medium setting and towel drying as you go is
the way to get the patient dry. Use a brush to smooth out Collection of Fecal
the coat when dry, put them in their assigned kennel or
run, and mark the patient’s file and treatment board and Urine Samples
that the bath was completed.
Never leave a pet unattended in the bath tub or on the Remember to check the patient file or the treatment
treatment table. They will try to escape and can severely board for required lab specimens. For dogs, if a fecal
injure themselves in the process. sample is needed you will simply use the usual plastic
If medicated shampoo is prescribed it is applied after bag. After collection use an overhand knot to secure the
the first lather and rinse done with a regular pet bag closed and either write on the bag or use a piece of
shampoo. The medicated shampoo may need to be left adhesive tape to mark the name of the patient, date, and
on for a period of time in order to work. Use a timer or time sample was collected. Place it in the lab or the lab
your phone’s stopwatch to time the application. Some refrigerator and alert the technician a sample is waiting.
will instruct you to massage the lather into the coat for Mark the treatment board and patient record with the
the entire length of the application. Rinse thoroughly same information. Remember to use gloves and wash
then dry as already discussed. your hands after handling feces.