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Chapter 10 Management of Hospitalized and Boarding Pets 185
with the veterinarian are essential to prevent suffering but the pet belongs to the owner and the final decision is
and unnecessary prolonging of life. Both the owner and theirs. This makes the euthanasia more difficult to per-
the veterinary team must remember the main goal of form and is one of the reason for depression and burnout
hospice care is the patient’s comfort and quality of life. within the veterinary profession.
Hospice care in the veterinary hospital centers on the Once the decision for euthanasia is made an appoint-
emotional well‐being of the patient which can and often ment for the procedure is scheduled. The appointment
does affect the physical health of the patient. The veteri- should be scheduled for the end of the day or when the
nary team should consider not only the handling the appointment book is at its lightest. It is a good idea to
patient for medical treatment, but also for the tender block off the appointment time for the exam room
personal connection a companion pet yearns for. This ahead of the euthanasia appointment. This way it can be
allows the patient to bond with and trust their caretaker set up for the procedure, creating an emotionally safe
during medical treatments. environment for the owner to begin grieving. A box of
“Sunshine therapy” is a positive way to brighten a tissues, cups for water, a nice thick blanket or towel on
patient’s spirits. Even when a patient is unable to walk or the exam table and a chair or two for the owners to use
too weak to stand for prolonged periods of time, sun- will be much appreciated.
shine therapy is an excellent treatment to provide mental If the owner is bringing the pet into the clinic, some
and emotional stimulation. Take the patient outdoors clinics will have them check in at the reception desk and
two or three times a day, even if only to lie in your lap then drive around to the back entrance and taken to an
and be petted. The patient benefits from the vitamins exam room from there. Or as they come in the door they
absorbed by natural sunlight, the physical stimulation of are ushered right into the prepared exam room. The vet-
being moved outdoors, and the emotional stimulation erinarian will meet with the owner, explain how the
from physical contact with the team member. euthanasia procedure works, and find out if the owner
Visits from the owner can lead to improvement or set- wishes to be present during the procedure. He/she will
backs in the patient’s emotional state. Most often patients answer any questions and then give the go ahead for the
are mentally brighter during and following a visit from veterinary assistant and technician to take the pet to the
their owner. Occasionally patients may become anxious treatment room to prep it for euthanasia. When you
about their owner leaving and not taking them. When enter the exam room make sure to speak to the owner.
this occurs, the patient’s anxiety may send them into a Convey your sympathies. The receptionist will enter the
downward spiral. If the veterinary team finds this occurs exam room and go through the paperwork which
after each visit it may be time for the veterinarian to dis- includes reading and signing the euthanasia consent
cuss the need to halt the visits or to discuss the option of form, discussion of what is to be done with the remains,
euthanasia. and then payment for the procedure and handling of
the remains.
Euthanasias are preformed either in the presence of
Reflection the owner or in the treatment room without the owner.
Whichever the case, it is important to remember this is
Can you see yourself as offering hospice care to the pet’s last moment and it should be treated with every
dying patients? Is so, why? If not, why? kindness possible. Prepare the treatment table in a sim-
ilar manner as the exam room table. When handling the
patient do so gently, speak calmly and pet gently. Some
Euthanasia and Post Mortem clinics like to start the procedure by giving the animal a
Protocols sedative or tranquilizer injection. Know where the injec-
tion is going and provide gentle restraint to accomplish
the task. If the owner will be in attendance some clinics
Euthanasia comes from the Greek words eu meaning will put in an IV catheter in which to deliver the eutha-
“good or right” and thanatos meaning “death.” Therefore, nasia solution. The IV catheter is usually placed in a back
euthanasia means a painless or easy death. Certainly leg to allow the owners to be at the patient’s head. Return
anyone who has watched someone die recognizes a the pet to the exam room to allow the owner to say their
natural death is rarely easy or without pain. goodbyes privately after the sedative and catheter have
When an owner chooses to end a pet’s life, it is not been placed. You may ask them to knock on the door
always a medical decision but one based on personal or when they are ready, at which time you can alert the vet-
religious values, previous experiences with death, erinarian and technician it is time. If you are not needed
and – the hardest of all – economic reasons. The veteri- after this, you may also say a quick goodbye if this is a
narian must inform the owner of all the options and patient you have had contact with in the past. Otherwise
then follow the owner’s wishes. There are times when a it is best to go gather a cadaver bag and box for the
team member may not agree with an owner’s decision, remains.