Page 206 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 206

190    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          The National Association of Veterinary Technicians in   powder, put a pinch of the powder in a bottle or syringe
          America (NAVTA) has a specific skill set for veterinary   cap. Never dip the toenail into the jar itself as this can
          assistants called the essential skills. Many of these   contaminate the jar.
          essential skills or clinical techniques are the “nursing”   There several tools available to trim nails as described
          skills utilized to care for patients. Whether they are ill or   in Chapter 4. Human nail trimmers work well with cats’,
          injured, require laboratory tests, a bandage on a wound,   birds’, or lizards’ toenails. Cats’ nails tend to split easily
          surgery or wellness procedures, a veterinary assistant   and so if you realize that either a scissor type trimmer or
          may be asked to perform these skills or to assist the   a human nail trimmer is splitting the nails switch it out
          veterinary technician or veterinarian with these tasks.   for a new one and alert the inventory manager to order
          These tasks may be completed in an exam room with a   new trimmers. A Dremel™ rotary tool with a sandpaper
          client present or in the treatment room for hospitalized   or rough emery board bit can also be used to shorten
          patients.                                          nails and create a smoother look or surface. Care must
                                                             be taken when using this tool as it removes a lot of
                                                             material in a very short period.
          Toenail Trimming                                     If assisting, place the dog or cat in a sitting position or
                                                             in lateral recumbency. You will either restrain or need
          Toenails are used for traction, defense, and in cats they   assistance to restrain birds and pocket pets as they are
          are used for climbing. Toenails can become overgrown   restrained on their backs, and rabbits are held in sternal
          and when they do the toes splay. In companion animals,   recumbency. If you are trimming a dog’s nails by your-
          they can get so long that they grow into the footpad, cre-  self, the dog can be in a sitting or standing position. Cats
          ating very painful feet and lameness. In livestock and   are held in your lap with their backs to your abdomen
          horses, they can start to curl at the tips. Nails of all ani-  and each arm on either side of their body. Some animals
          mals have a similar anatomy; the shape is a little different   are OK with nail trims and others will fight, bite, and
          in livestock and horses. The outer surface is hard and   struggle. It seems to stem from a bad experience with
          insensitive, the quick or ungual process is soft and con-  nail trims; perhaps someone cut one or more too short
          tains a blood vessel and a nerve (Figure 11.1). As the nail   which is very painful and pets remember! These patients
          grows in length from the nail bed at the junction of the   often need a tranquilizer or sedative in order to do a
          haired and hairless portions at the end of the toe, the   good job on the trim, so it lasts. Always consult with the
          quick extends as well.                             veterinarian if you have a patient that is struggling. If you
            If you are lucky the nails will be transparent, and you   over‐restrain it until it gives up, this just makes it worse
          can see the quick as a pink color as seen in Figure 11.2a   for the next time.
          of this cat’s toenail. Otherwise the nails are black, as   Some poor animals will have very overgrown nails, so
          shown in Figure 11.2b, and you can’t see the quick until   overgrown that they are penetrate the foot pad. This will
          you have clipped some of the nail wall away.       cause lameness and often infection. These patients must
            Before you begin a toenail trim, gather supplies   be anesthetized to trim the nails short. The quick will be
          including treats for distraction, nail trimmer to fit the   so long that you will cut it as you trim the nail to a normal
          size of the pet (see Figure 4.14), a cotton ball, and a sil-  length, and this is very painful. Also, you will need to clean
          ver nitrate stick or styptic powder. The silver nitrate sticks   out the puncture holes as per the veterinarian’s orders.
          (Figure 11.3) are stored in their shipping container and   Start trimming a nail by grasping the paw and placing
          styptic powder is usually in a small jar. If using styptic   your index finger just above the distal phalanx and your

                             Quick –                                   Nail wall
                             blood vessel
                             and nerve


                                                     Toe                             Quick –
                                                     pad                             blood vessel
                           Nail      First cut to                                    and nerve
                            wall     remove tip                        Angle cuts

          FIGURE 11.1  Anatomy of a toenail and angle of clip.
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