Page 208 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 208

192    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

                                               Covert feathers               6  5

                                                                       Primaries or flight feathers

                                                                   8     1–10, starting at the top

                               Secondary feathers

          FIGURE 11.4  Birds’ wing feathers.

          should not be clipped as they will bleed profusely.   is forced through the ducts when the animal has a bowel
          Feathers are numbered 1–10 starting at the point or top   movement. If the material becomes thickened, infected,
          of the wing (Figure 11.4). Take note of which, if any, are   or the muscles in the area weaken, the glands do not
          blood feathers so that when you are ready to clip the   empty properly. The patient will scoot its bottom along
          feathers you can count as you go and skip those that   the ground and if not expressed glands can become
          shouldn’t  be  clipped.  Only  the  primary  feathers  are   abscessed and rupture. A full anal gland is easily pal-
          clipped, and the size of the bird will dictate how many   pated and will feel like a small ripe grape. The material
          are clipped. Smaller birds will have 1–6 clipped and   that is expressed from anal glands is malodorous, brown
          larger birds will have 1–8 clipped. The primaries are   to tan in color, and usually watery to somewhat thicker.
          clipped shorter (Figure 11.4) than the covert feathers on
          lateral side of the wing so they blend in and do not look
          so ragged. Some clinics will not clip primary feathers 1–3   TIP BOX 11.1
          for esthetics, but others say not to do this as it can cause   Have an extra scrub top at work because if you get anal
          the bird to fly very erratically.                     gland secretions on your scrub top it must be changed
            With the bird in sternal recumbency extend the wing   because you will be offensive for the rest of the day!
          out by grasping it at the carpal joint. This is the large
          joint in the wing where the radius and ulna join the small
          fused bones of the wing tip. Approach from the dorsal   There are two techniques  for expressing  anal glands:
          aspect, working proximally slide the scissor blade under   internally or externally. The equipment needed for both
          the one primary feather at a time. Remember to count   techniques include gloves, goggles, cotton batting or
          so you skip any blood feathers. Clip both wings, if one   paper towels, deodorizing spray, and a lubricant for the
          wing is left with full flight feathers the bird can fly but   internal method. It is thought the internal method
          albeit not very well and injuries can occur.       empties the gland better than the external method. The
                                                             external method is used on those patients that are too
          Expressing Anal Glands                             small to accommodate an index finger.
                                                               The internal method involves putting on a glove and
                                                             applying lubricant to your index finger (Figure  11.6).
          Anal glands are rudimentary scent glands located on   Place a large cotton ball or a damp paper towel between
          each side of the anus (Figure 11.5). To palpate the anal   the index finger and thumb. Gently insert the index
          glands, place your index finger and thumb just above the   finger into the anus and place your thumb on the skin
          white arrows as shown in Figure 11.5. The location of   over  the  gland.  Go  for  the left  gland  first  as  that  is  a
          each  glands  lies  ventrally  and  slightly  caudal  at  5  and   natural position for your hand if right handed. Press the
          7 o’clock to the anus. The black arrows on the Figure 11.5   thumb towards the index finger, squeezing upwards and
          show the location of the ducts that empty the glands at 3   together. This forces the material through the duct and
          and 9 o’clock. Ideally, the material secreted by the glands   hopefully onto the cotton ball or paper towel. Word of
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